Suggestion: pve and pvp

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    Posts: 96


    tell us please.

    how many pk’ed level 5 are on your conscience and for how many are you hoping now that you are so afraid of losing cannon fodder?

    see… the problem is that this is a thing – a player. a human player. and that some of those lv 5 newbies are not alts, they are individual players.
    yes, they leave then.

    and yes, their parents are then not asked for some pocket money to help cofinance this game.

    do you understand this?


    Lvl 200 USEast2
    Posts: 94

    I think I might have killed 2 players in the time I have been playing. None of them were lvl 5. I am not afraid of losing cannon fodder. I am afraid that this horrible (I cannot stress enough how BAD it is) idea might break the delicate balance.

    While the balance between pve and pvp might need a little tweaking, your idea would not do that.

    Also, I am not your personal enemy, I try not to have enemies. I am a peaceful player. But going around other threads to spam this stupid pve flag idea is trolling and very very annoying.


    Posts: 96

    the idea is horrible enough that it got WoW to the place where it is currently.

    if you ask me and the impressive amount of players WoW has…

    “horrible indeed”


    Posts: 1

    Penalty for dying is what keeps this game going, it’s what kept Tibia going for so many years. Nowadays death doesn’t matter much in MMOs, 5 minute turnaround time at most. When death matters – community builds. If you do not do well in a community, you obviously will have a hard time on your own.
    Even though Okapi is probably trolling, he triggered me so much I had to respond, as this is a game I finally liked after going through hundreds, because of the PvP aspect.


    Lvl 200 USEast2
    Posts: 94

    This game is not WoW. It is a sandbox, WoW is not. That makes a huge difference.

    Can you understand that?

    Your trolling style makes me want ignore you now. You posted a suggestion and many players have told you they think it is a bad idea. You then proceeded to spam it on irrelevant threads. When people continued to point out you had a bad suggestion you made up reasons why they disagreed (we were killing noobs, afraid of losing cannon fodder,…).
    Haven’t seen such obnoxious behaviour since AsylumDreams was shitposting everywhere. Is there a way to ignore trolls on the forum?

    If you want to be a constructive member of this community for the game, then I suggest you change your ways. Irregardless of the lack of merit of your idea, this is no way to engage with others.

    Exit Rat.


    Posts: 96

    This game is what it is – defintiely could use a wider audience.

    You do not get it from only the small userbase of people who feel good when they first grief a player who they think is younger than them and then go ahead and threaten and bully them verbally.

    You would be able to get your kill, guys.

    Only it would be a different way to get to them.

    a) duel. upon challenge and accepting. arenas to fight stuff out. great way to show off a bit. and to prove to have balls cause in this case comparable levels fighting each other and both have fair time to prepare for the fight

    b) raids and defense forces fights – interesting stuff isn’t it. players fighting for ideas even. definitely possible.

    c) up to z) lots of fights still possible.

    just not as lazy and of poor quality than what I have seen here so far.


    Lvl 56 SEAsia2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 35

    i dont think u have seen how endgame pvp is at all considering u lvled to 60 by foraging and farming and then started spitting shit on forums because u got pked for being an annoying shit


    Posts: 96

    wow foraging and farming is a bad thing for you, Nico huh? maye you should go tell dev to delete this from the game. should not be there.

    beh meh foraging. uh yuck farming, right?

    well sorry to inform you these are implemented parts of the game. why you go ahead and think one particular key you use makes you entitled to …what ever you think you are doing there is something you have to answer to yourself I think (did you try to offend me? then i guess you have to try again).

    anyway yes, foraging exists duh and yes, people do buy the results in my shop.
    if not, then why are you so concerned with how I leveled up?

    and well “spitting shit” is an expression that i do not even want to think about too long how you came to use it.

    just… please do not google every porn hint you read online, just in case. please don’t.

    for real.

    the language style of you guys.. man. man-man-man.


    Lvl 56 SEAsia2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 35

    no, [Removed by Mod] i said that because foraging and farming arent pvp skills,so all your “experience” is 0 when we are talking about pvp.


    Lvl 200 USEast2
    Posts: 94

    He never even said foraging and farming was a bad thing. It was clear in his previous post that it just meant you had no pvp skills. There is no need to twist his words.

    You are making it ever more obvious that you are talking about a game you still have very little experience in. I can understand, I was new not so long ago. Just try to play the game and learn it a bit better before you come online to complain that someone hurt your fee-fee’s and demand the game change for you.


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    Okapi please stop using phrases like “you people”…seriously, its offensive and you’re not winning anyone over with it.

    well sorry to inform you these are implemented parts of the game

    So, Nico wants to take out foraging, and you want to take out assassin…neat! Its like different sides of the same game-changing coin…cept Nico didn’t really say he wanted to do that whereas you DO want to remove an entire skill from the game because people treat you and possibly a select few people poorly on whichever seemingly hellscape server you happen to be on.

    If there was a way to make people angry with foraging I suppose you’d want that gone too. There’s an old saying of “if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen”. From everything you’ve said, I don’t feel there’s any pleasing you and it seems as though this may not be a game that you’ll ever be happy with.


    Posts: 96

    paisley you ask me, I noticed, I considered, I decline.

    understand please that I did not come to that “you people” without a bit of time of observing.

    you are a faction. you do like to think of yourselves as indivisuals I guess, probably who knows, little anarchos even, at least some of you… but this is not the impression you make as a group.

    you are a faction. you do behave like one, you communicate like one, you act like one and you function like one.

    that just happens. people are social beings and some socialise even for the goal to be asocial for, cough, “fun” for a while.


    Posts: 1

    Ok, I personally do not participate in PVP. I do however see where it might be needed in certain circumstances… and plus some people are just messed up and want to have a feeling of dominance over someone less powerful. I do not think a PVE server is the answer. Making the /PVP Flag do what it seems like it should do does, however, sound like a very progressive solution to a problem quite a few are having. I’m still new and have yet to venture out far into this game… and mostly i attribute this to PVP. Because when I was brand new I was killed randomly while exploring the market. Then I made a tiny little hut to store my very few noob items in for the night while i went out to gather more resources and well, it was gone before i could get back. So I have been in Wellington ever since. I Truly believe that a PVP flag that enables or disables all of PVP would be a welcome addition. Those participating would be willing and ready to fight, not caught off guard while mining or gathering.


    Lvl 56 SEAsia2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 35

    theres only so many ways to abuse something like a pve flag


    Lvl 200 USEast2
    Posts: 94

    I am sorry you had these bad experiences. You can always check out other servers. Use2 is still pretty young.

    Just a few towers will prevent most raids as those raiders tend to be lazy. Or move in with a tribe, it will help you grow faster for sure and you can exchange tips and help eachother. Randomly getting killed doesn’t happen that often where I am from an the server usually responds to excessive bouts of it. Try participating in that, you’ll see it can be very satisfying. And a war effort needs all kinds of players. Pve, pvp and everything in between.

    Or you could stay in wellington for a while though it seems like a waste of precious myst to me.

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