Suggestion: pve and pvp

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  • #8518

    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 157

    Imagine the flag being implemented.

    What are you going to do when i decide to scam you during a trade? What are you going to do when i walk behind you inside inside your house? What are you gonna do when i just build all around your house and put some towers so when you try to break in, you get infamy and die? What are you gonna do when i start KS all your mobs? What are you going to do if i crash all your items on a counter?

    Nothing. Because i will have pve flag on and you wont be able to attack me.

    Unless all the above actions are patched to give infamy which will maks the game completely shit.

    Ofc i dont even need to do all these on my main account, i can just bring a bunch of alts 🙂

    What really annoys me is not that your ideas are so bad and retarded but that because you had a bad start (propably not as bad as me or many other top players) on a server, you just assume that this happens on all other servers as well. On EU we try to protect randoms like you, and there is rarely unreasonable pking which is immediately dealt with. So shut up calling us whatever you have been calling all high lvl players on forums, and either actually play the game and learn the mechanics before you suggest anything that stupid again or just go play on USE or something and stop bitching about yourself being bad on a pixel game.


    Posts: 96

    a) “what are you going to to when i decide you scam you in a trade”

    my first answer reaction is: JAWDROP.

    so what you’re saying is that your reaction to this so far is just go and pk or raid the scammer?

    dude you live in a dreamland.

    imagine someone scams you via internet in RL – meaning all digital but what you lose are RL dollars. and the person lives on an other continent and you have no idea who it even is, you just have a shady temporary nickname.

    you think you just get your stuff back by what – buyin´g a ticket to the country and search for the guy to beat him up? lol… that is not how it works.

    you then go ahead and post the typical interruption at this place… “this here is a game..” yeah yeah but so much of RL and a game can in fact interweave (you heard about MUI recently after being killed in a trap shouting out that he is selling his account? he did not mean for g or feathers dude. when and if he eventually decides to do it, it will be for RL currency)

    so back to our question here…. you seriously when being scammed in a trade go ahead and just pk / beat up the guy?
    and what do you do if he is higher level and higher stats, huh?

    pk is not an answer to trade scam.

    what is an answer are economical means (spread the word, get this dude to get no further trades, cut the supply) – maybe even signs with written reports abou this scams on a designated spot (say a central market somewhere)

    … to be continued…


    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 157

    It is amazing how you wrote 20+ lines without offering a solution

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