Paper Patch

paperThe patch today moves all user accounts to the website so that I can integrate forums, leaderboards, perks, and account management. There will soon be new forums where you can have the avatar your character has in game. Make sure to login, or register if you are new. Then when you load the game it will automatically log you in. You can also reset your passwords now if you provide an email in your profile screen.

I didn’t get to fit in as much as I wanted in this patch but here is the new stuff:

  • New item: Blank Paper, craft this and then /write a message! Trading counters with no price set can act as mailboxes if you want to receive personal notes, bills, or spam from other people.
  • Reduced exploration move speed bonus a bit.
  • You can now wash fingerprints off of items if you pour water on them. Great for anonymous letters, hiding gold, and leaving without a trace..
  • New command: /ignore [name]. This will hide whispers or broadcast messages from people until you use /ignore on them again or the server restarts.
  • To take over a foreign tribe the leader AND the elders must all be dead.
  • A bunch of new sprites have been added for plants, ropes, fire pits, buckets, etc. Also new building effects for roads & floors.
  • Increased HP for animal gates and sign posts.

Look forward to some fun items coming soon, and another map expansion!