UI Suggestions

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    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    Something I noticed while running around the underworld last night is that initially mobs are not rendering up to the new full screen distance, you have to actually run closer “in to their view” as if they were still rendering at the old screen distance.

    It makes it look like the mobs are just spawning in when they appear on your screen in spots you could already see a moment ago, however, having been on that floor for a long period of time already I can say with certainty that they were not spawning in but rather the effect of them popping on the screen when you are actually in render distance does make it look like this.

    One thing to note is that when the mobs do actually render on to your screen you can at that point move away from them and still see them within the boundaries of the new screen distance it just seems to be initial contact with mobs that has this effect.

    It’s fairly simple to reproduce if you’re uncertain about what I’m talking about but I hope I’ve explained it well enough that it’s understandable. The disappointment was that I thought UW might actually be a bit easier at deeper levels thanks to the new screen distance, and it is, but the fact that mobs aren’t rendering up the full distance when you first recall down essentially changes nothing in that regard as the first recall or hole drop is the most crucial time for needing that information.


    Lvl 70 USEast
    Posts: 3

    Hello. Most of what said above is troublesome. For me the most biggest concern, and I know many others with the same idea. Is the pick up button. I love the fact that it shows a pic of item your going to pick up, but the placement changed from the last UI and is messing with my head, it needs to be moved more right on the screen. this is easily fixed by shrinking the action button and swapping, so that the action and pick up button match the placement of the old interface. also the colors in the chat can be irritating to the eyes, if the tones were turned down like old UI that would be perfect. I love how I can still see glimpses of chat as I play, but also that it is hidden, I dont know how many times I’ve died because I got distracted by chat. Another concern I have is the hotkey buttons, you no longer get a red warning box around your equips. In order to see this you have to walk around with your bag open, which defeats the purpose of the hotkeys. If you make it so the red box shows on hotkeys when items are equipped that would be fantastic. Also, like said above, the placement of the ability boxes are a little hard to work with when in the heat of battle, not so much about the number placement but more the direction. I was so used to vertically choosing my abilities now its going horizontally, which I admit is not a major concern, but after playing it so long the other way, your mind automatically looks for the buttons up and down not left and right. One last suggestion, the build button was difficult to find, being a repair kit I didn’t decided to press it until I have had pressed everywhere else in search of the build menu. Perhaps if the image was changed to only a hammer my mind would associate that with building. Now with all this being said, the game is becoming a very nice addition to my daily routines. Your doing great. I hope to see some of these changes in game, that would make playing Mystera Legacy that much more great. Thank you.


    Posts: 1

    It’s only been a couple of hours today, so I may just need a bit more time, but presently I hate the new UI. To begin, I use a laptop, with tablet type capabilities, so I use a combination of cursor moves, hotkeys, and screen taps to play.

    The chat box being gone is a problem. Toggling on takes up nearly one fourth of my screen space and prevents me from being able to tap or target any critter that is behind the chat box. The only compromise on my end is to not view chat while actively hunting, and that was lonely.

    I tend to use more than 6 items regularly. The hotkeys for 9 is fine, but previously I was able to keep all of my regularly used items on page 1 of my inventory and could choose accordingly. I’m okay with leaving my inventory open, but the inventory tab itself seems distracting or odd, perhaps because it is so huge and just hangs there. In fact, everything is just really huge.

    I would also like to reiterate the previous mentions of tribes that have specifically designed their bases on the former screen size for security purposes and the now uselessness of the hidden floor item.

    My only suggestion would be to make the individual UI elements optional. Or at least an option to tell the server what sort of device we’re using and the appropriate corresponding UI to be shown. I think that would give us more control over our individual play styles according to the type of device we might be using.


    Lvl 85 USTexas
    Posts: 15

    +2 to everything Kaios said exactly. I’m on board.

    Left side of player shrinking from 6 clickable tiles to 2 is Major concern.

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