Remove new infamy update

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  • #6684

    Posts: 56

    @jenn That’s entirely, entirely, ENTIRELY a lie. USE does NOT kill people pointlessly or for fun. We do NOT kill people that are ‘simple UW divers’ or ‘PvErs’. That’s entirely slanderous and untruthful. USE kills TROLLS, people that RAID, people spouting slurs/very obscene and not good things, and people that attack newbies and tribe members. We wipe out TRIBES that house these house these kinds of people, that are led by these kinds of people. I have never once in my entire months of playing seen someone killed or seen a tribe wiped that didn’t have at-least a halfway decent reason behind it, unless you count the trolls killing newbies.

    The people that post on here whining about how terrible and awful USE is ARE the trolls that we kill off, people that don’t have a modicum of respect for their fellow human beings or have tried to become raiders and failed. They don’t post the whole story, instead they decide to get someone to feel sorry for them and make up lies and/or just avoid the truth altogether.

    This update IS a step in the wrong direction. Infamy was already enough of a downside as it was. Sure you COULD just afk and swing at a dummy for hours on end, yes. But while you’re doing that you’re likely wasting time doing really nothing at all when you could be out hunting mobs, gathering resources, or gathering gold. Not to mention the fact Infamy lowers speed, def, and dodge chance.(And I think attack too? Someone mentioned it, not sure.).

    The only thing this update does is serve the trolls, last I checked that’s not what the dev wanted. Hopefully the dev will realize this is a bad idea and only caters to whiners/trolls instead of the people actually trying to play the game as intended. At the very least 25% exp nerf or 50% would be acceptable, but as I said in feedback to the Dev 100% full-stop is just ruining the game and basically telling the trolls ‘Alright guys, move in for the kill!’.


    Lvl 248 USEast
    Posts: 78

    These updates are ridiculous. That’s all I have to say.

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