Remove new infamy update

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    Lvl 123 USTexas
    Posts: 4

    The new update which blocks skill XP while having infamy is a horrible idea.

    For one it makes the game less fun; less pvp = less action = less active players, if we wanted a game where we could just mine and chop all day we would play minecraft. If some guy with an idiot alt griefs somewhere you cant attack him because you will get infamy for the next hour.


    Lvl 7 USEast
    Posts: 3

    Don’t remove completely please…
    Lower the punishment… 20% per kill maybe? Or 50% instead of 100%?

    With all do respect ILMONCO, its quite the opposite. He is losing more players..from PvP abusers. You have watched EU get wiped out by Fleet…now being killed by Darkness.. I have seen USE lose 100s of gamers from PvP power abusers…killing farmers and UW divers, for no reason. Complete tribes wiped out daily from them…
    I don’t like the 100% skill loss…I do agree with ILMONCO on this. Some change is needed.. But…if we don’t punish players some how…they won’t be so choosy, as to who they kill…
    We can make alts to kill trolls..road blockers..etc

    There are MANY ways Admin can deal with this situation… Maybe he is just trying to open their eyes some… To be less aggressive against non PVP players, ya know?
    Darkness had a chance to fight PvP players…they chose to hide and kill farmers…steal… Those PvP players are still there waiting…yet they still won’t fight.
    This patch isn’t great…but I understand where Admin is coming from.
    Put yourself in the PVE players shoes..✌❤


    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    If you actually take the time to think about it logically though it’s understandable why this change was implemented. Not only was infamy supposed to lessen the amount of newbie killing but it’s also intended to be a gold sink in the form of removing infamy with gold via altars. However, I personally do not know a single player that ever bothered to use gold to remove their infamy because one could easily hit a dummy for several hours and then the infamy is gone and essentially you’ve received no punishment for killing lower level players. When it comes to hunting and killing the same players over and over again, infamy was not a hindrance in this regard so hopefully this changes that.


    Posts: 6

    A problem I see with the game is that it is even possible for a level 100 to attack someone who has just started.

    There should be some pve zones, perhaps a pve server. Right now the game is set up to attract the worst type of player…full greif setup. No sub, unlimited alts, unlimited ability to screw new players. Also, no moderators. So, we get to read hateful garbage spammed constantly.


    Posts: 22

    @jenn infamy itself was the punishment. The game claims to be a sandbox game with openworld PvP, yet it brings this ridiculous update, basically banning all PvP from a PvP game. Nobody cares if you’re getting killed by stronger players. If you don’t like it, maybe you should work to be stronger instead of crying and whining [Removed by mod]. There shouldn’t be any consequences for playing the game like it was made for, yet admin was kind enough to help you when he shouldn’t have by adding infamy. With this update, @admin is just making more people quit as he makes this game more like farmville. Here’s hoping that all the recent updates, including bases being built on the edge of the map change is all an April Fool’s Prank as nobody sane I know agrees with this monstrosity of an “update”.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by  Kaylovespie. Reason: vulgar personal attack

    Polar Bear
    Posts: 41

    This update is a huge step forward in this game. It says, “Sure, kill the level 15 that just left newbie village. Just know you will be spending a lot of time waiting before you can level other skills.”

    This update discourages fighting outside of your rage by making KoSing any new player or a fresh reincarnator. It encourages you to fight only those who are of “equal” strength.

    Additionally it pushes reincarnation into a better place. It makes those who kept their levels due to the potential to be constantly killed and let’s them play the way they originally intended.

    The map thing is an added bonus too which reminds me of when the boarder was only unbuildable water.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 27

    Personally, I’m pretty hyped about this update. As someone well known by the community for mostly playing on alts, I couldn’t imagine a bigger buff.

    I think the PvM players are too focused on the part where the 100% penalty is a huge deterrent to gaining significant amounts of infamy by killing people substantially lower levelled than yourself. While this is of course the truth, the flip side of this change is that the 100% penalty is a huge deterrent to gaining significant amounts of infamy by killing people substantially lower level than yourself!

    People will most definitely enjoy slaughtering my alts despite this, but honestly? Knowing that every second of infamy is a second of experience gains they waste is extremely satisfying for me.

    I’m not sure Admin intended to pander to griefers with this update so I’ll just say this:

    If Admin and his team have any idea what they’re doing, they will reduce the penalty. By a significant amount too! Unless of course they want the world to be run by high-investment, low levelled griefing alts. Without giving too many specifics, there are a few things you can do to make your character a pain to deal with, even at low levels. Experienced players will probably know exactly what I’m talking about. To give newer players some direction: start with myst upgrades and do your research on reincarnation. This will help you get started on building the ultimate alt. (Note to Admin: if you want to nerf alts but keep the XP penalty, let me just tell you that you have your work cut out for you. If you want to make having infamy more impactful, please consider adding more Admin towers. If players have a choice between Admin towers in Galebrook and the XP penalty, I’d be curious to see what they would choose. Aren’t you?)

    Sure, throwing yourself at towers on these alts isn’t an effective strategy anymore, but you don’t need to sacrifice yourself to towers when being killed by a player 30 levels higher than you gives them one hour of XP waste. Anyone serious about making progress isn’t going to throw away 1/24 (actually more because most people sleep) of their possible gains in a day just to kill my trash alt. Even if you hate me a lot, am I really worth over 7 hours of food management for no reward except seeing a death message in Global of an alt that was created solely to die? I know some of you might be tempted to say yes, but it’s really not. It takes me 10 minutes to give someone max infamy if they make it easy. And it costs them over 7 hours. That is nowhere near fair and I am confident when I say that the dev team made a huge mistake pushing this update as is.

    I understand the team likes to push more extreme versions of updates and then tone them down, but I think like with infamy, it would be more prudent not to cause waves for the sake of causing waves.

    I’ve no interest in preparing potential enemies for my plans so please excuse the (deliberate) lack of detail. But make no mistake, alts are better than ever and I plan to enjoy it until the dev team come to their senses.

    And one last thing? A lot of people don’t even know this update is a thing so they kill me over and over thinking they are getting assassin XP when really they are wasting their time. I hope that goes to show how intuitive this change is (that is to say, not very much at all).


    Posts: 22

    No Cendrillion you [Removed by mod], this update discourages all PvP and if you didn’t like the game the way it was before, then go play farmville because this is a PvP game. Infamy as it was, was already a deterrent for most players, myself included. Obviously this didn’t stop everybody, but that was the point of infamy it stops the majority of the playerbase from killing everyone, leaving those who really want to continue being tyrants, to suffer the consequences of moving slower, inability to use fountains in UW, getting shot by towers etc.

    As for reincarnators, don’t be dumb about your reincarnations. If you go about being a total asshole, then decide to reincarnate of all things, then you totally deserve what’s coming for you. There is strategy involved in gaming [Removed by mod]. As a reincarnator myself [Removed by mod] i’ve never felt “oppressed”. And when things don’t go my way, such as getting raided during a vacation, I do what I need to do, even if its not “what i originally intended”. Things don’t always go the way you plan [Removed by mod].

    The update downgrades the game, destroying the PvP portion of the game. Killing another player should not hinder your ability to level skills or play the game it was intended to be like.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by  Kaylovespie. Reason: personal attacks, last warning

    Lvl 2 London
    Posts: 173

    Fluffylass, if you want to continue participating in the forums you gotta stop with the personal attacks.


    Lvl 106 USEast
    Posts: 120

    The amount of PvE players heavily outweighs the amount of PvP players.

    Dev, you are losing a great deal of money, and players, because this game is more PvE then PvP.

    Please remove all PvP from the game, so it doesn’t die.



    Posts: 22

    Hey Kaylovespie, I did not mean to break any forum rules or hurt anybody’s feelings. I sincerely apologize for any psychological harm I may have caused to the recipient of my harassment. Any personal attack is inexcusable and I am terribly sorry for the damage I may have caused to others. If Jenn feels the need to see a therapist for trauma, I am willing to talk to her for free at any time. Thank you for speaking out against harassment and cyber bullying. I’m glad to see you’re active in aiding those we require it.


    Lvl 381 Europe
    Posts: 96

    Honestly, there should be infamy only in galebrook, any other zone like battlegrounds showing a warning that other people could kill you, and stop giving infamy in those areas, that way every1 is happy.

    But if you instead give infamy for killing someone, or hitting a wall with towers, you don’t gain assasin exp, neither destruction.
    So what if I block all market houses with alts lvl 5? This late added feature in my opinion has not been the best choice out of all the ways to stop endgame-player from abusing newbies without actually make players feel like they’re some kind-of-god if they abuse alts.



    Lvl 59 USEast
    Posts: 52

    You can’t reincarnate with infamy anyways.


    Lvl 100 USTexas
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 31

    No one rages harder than me when I die but even I think this update is too much.
    I get that Admin probably wants to make the game more friendly for newer players so that he can grow his game but there’s too much oversight now to the point that the game isn’t really a sandbox. More like a hugbox.
    Admin said he wanted the game to be a social experiment but the results of that experiment were always predictable if you know human nature. Power + no accountability = abuse. Everyone knew that. So now he tries to fix the 2nd part of that equation by implemented even more punishments but it is at the expense of the integrity of the game. For example, what exactly is the purpose of grinding away and accumulating all this power in a game if you have no ability to use it? The game is starting to send mixed signals about what is and isn’t allowed. The “fixes” are stacking up more and more and are becoming ever less intuitive.
    My guess is the same people that whine about being innocent victims and make big spectacles about quitting would be the same ones killing if they were strong enough.


    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 87

    You pay the price for murdering others even more i guess

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