Lantern Deep Cave + Underground Use.

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  • #6068

    Posts: 56

    I’m confused here. Why was this changed? This was by far one of the most useful mechanics in the game, if not THE most useful. Sure some people were abusing it to raid freely and such, but beyond that I don’t see a reason to change it. Even with that information I don’t see a reason to change it. There were a number of ways that could be added to prevent people from abusing lanterns to raid. More cooldowns, lanterns that aren’t in B4+ don’t work with infamy, etc. Really anything.

    I for one use them for fast travel from various parts of the map when harvesting resources or just to quickly get from my shop/farm to my house. It was incredibly useful and as it is now I’ll have to have stairs down to B3 and bring a shovel where-ever I go if I want to do this.

    What’s everyone elses’ thoughts? I’m genuinely curious to see if anyone else shares my thinking and I’m not just simply being a whiny lazy person ._.


    Posts: 181

    I also used them for fast travel with resources, but I can see the logic behind it although I don’t think it’s been quite thought out.

    Escape ropes should be banned too surely as they can allow you to jump back up to the OW.


    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 87

    yea, i miss using lantern to go home faster, especially when burdened after buying something so this sucks a bit 🙁


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 166

    Please change it so you cannot use a lantern within 5-6 minutes of hitting a wall.

    Lanterns are massively important for moving burdening quantities of materials for everyone. It’s a core principle behind mining storage and retrieval at a time when we need to be enabling more materials on the market not less. As a crafter there’s already never enough bronze already, ever.


    Posts: 4



    Lvl 127 USEast
    Posts: 1



    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 87



    Posts: 3

    Stop being a bunch of Lazy noobs, this games economy is fastfowarding too fast, Gold should be hard to earn. Based on my Gameplay i never needed to use a Lantern Rookiez.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 26

    it would be nice if they stated WHY the change happened so people could suggest alternative routes. for example if it was to prevent people transporting overburdened goods, maybe just make it so u cant use it while overburdened. or if people were teleporting around constantly with it, maybe a cooldown of X before you can use another lantern.


    Posts: 9

    +1 i used it for trading i buy like 10000 stone now i got to walk back to the base and it happens more then you think


    Lvl 60 USWest2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 29

    The change was made because of Raid/PvP escape mechanics. Slip underground and be outside of combat for 15 seconds and poof you’re across the map, and the person who was chasing you, the person you were raiding, has no means to prevent this easily other then keeping you in combat. Now this could have been addressed like other players said with infamy restrictions ect, but this is an in-dev game and um sure things will change. Ideally a new overworld recall/teleportation item that isnt introduced yet, lanterns were always designed and intended for leaving deep floors of the underworld with out a Mercy Statue. +1 to lantern changes -1 to reverting changes And as mentioned, increasing transportation speeds of resources inherently decreases their value since you can get more to a location more quickly, teleporting 100k weight in an instant cost less then walking 100 tiles 100 times with 1k weight, This creates demand for item transportation, a new outlet in this game growing economy, and it slows item production way down, which is good for the value of those created items. As Craftsmans, Salemans, Collectors, everyone in the economy should be capitalizing on this, gold value should go way up, seeing as more time will go into each action valued towards those golds.


    Lvl 60 USWest2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 29

    AND holy hell, does anyone actually use the games implemented mass item transportation method???
    *cough* *cough* RAFTS *cough* *cough*


    Posts: 181

    No because people are trolls and destroy rivers :p


    Posts: 56


    Offtopic here, but that sentence coupled with you already talking shit to my friend Reefback. Welcome to my KoS list, ‘Rookie’.


    Posts: 56

    More on-topic….Mass transportation of resources doesn’t devalue them. I’m not entirely sure where you got that idea from? You can walk while burdened anyway. Lantern change isn’t going to make it so you magically have to transport resources 1k by 1k. It’ll make things slower yes, but, you can still do it just not instantaneously. The resources would still be there in the same quantities, so, I mean. Yeah. I can understand the reasons for it being removed for raiding purposes but there’s many, many fixes to that.

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