How much time will it take to break?

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  • #13080

    Posts: 4

    I have been beating this wall for like 25 minutes, and it is still at the same life…

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    Lvl 115 London
    Posts: 17

    Walls in welly cant be broken unless you made them yourself.


    Lvl 97 USEast2
    Posts: 127

    Structers have lots of hp. You need hammer. As i remember, full wooden wall have 150k hp. So 1)If you see dmg indicator when you hit – just need to hit more time 2)If you dont see dmg dealing to wall, try to turn /pvp Or you in welli, where walls of other players can`t be breaked.
    P.S. Sry for poor english


    Posts: 4

    Well, if houses in welli cant be destroyed, how was my house destroyed .-.?


    Lvl 147 USWest
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 25

    Either you didn’t repair it and it decayed or you built it against someone elses walls and they were able to destroy the connected blocks. These are the only 2 ways, unless you were hitting your own walls.

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