Dodge is broken

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    Lvl 130 USEast
    Posts: 13

    Currently if you max moving Target, use unarmored and have the alert trait you can easily attain 90% dodge rate which makes well fortified bases easily raided with minimal effort. @admin please balance this ASAP. Towers should be a somewhat reliable detterent to raids and currently they are completely useless. Needs immediate attention.


    Lvl 146 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 25

    Wrong ! You should try raiding at least once before posting fallacies.


    Lvl 148 USEast
    Posts: 6

    Public Service Announcement: Due to the fact being unarmored now grants an automatic 20% base dodge chance (regardless of actual skill level), Moving Target at maximum upgrade of XVI (16) grants 64% dodge, and the Alert trait grants 15%, it is not only possible but in fact quite easy for even a medium tier player to have 99% (possibly capped at 95%) dodge chance. This is not even taking shield block (which caps at 60%) into account. This has effectively rendered towers completely useless, even full rows multiple layers thick. Simple math=1000×5%=50 arrows out of 1000 reach their mark. Now we run this through 100 shield block, and only 20 arrows out of 1000 do damage. A far more easily achievable shield block of 50 would result in 35 arrows out of 1000 doing damage. No base in Galebrook can be considered safe, even with max construction and multiple layer walls, you can only cause it to take more time to get in. Considering killing the person raiding you will result in you being infamous, the raider losing virtually nothing because being murdered doesnt hurt anymore, your armor failing and you being executed by someone you cant land a single hit on, and you dropping the best stuff youre holding… attempting to fight off a raider is folly. [Removed by mod]


    Lvl 2 London
    Posts: 173

    The dev is aware of this and has been testing some tower changes which are live today. Thanks for the reports!


    Lvl 130 USEast
    Posts: 13

    Thanks for the update Kay, hopefully those changes are effective enough to deter mid level characters from raiding properly defended bases. Any chance he would provide the details of the changes?


    Lvl 146 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 25

    Well looks like I’m going to have to chime in to correct this public service announcement.
    1.Your math regarding arrow hits is way off but that’s not surprising since you don’t actually know any of this but are strictly speculating.
    2. You’re being raided because you don’t know how to build or defend bases; not because of a broken game mechanic.
    3. @admin is going to test and see that your false claims don’t hold up especially considering infamy.

    Thank you and welcome to Wellington; Galebrook is better without you.


    Lvl 148 USEast
    Posts: 6

    #1 Kazul and I have both tested it, and my numbers are fairly accurate allowing for some RNG.

    #2 Just because I dont have an impenetrable base in Gale, dont assume I dont know how/lack the resources to make one. Mostly because of

    #3 Your welcome is irrelevant, seeing as how I have had a Vault in Wellington since the first week it was out.

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