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  • in reply to: Just Some Trash Ideas #13281

    Lvl 58 USTexas
    Posts: 10

    About swords having armor piercing, well, that depends. Not all swords were designed to pierce with the edge, most medieval swords were designed to blow their targets, along with another ability of thrusting with its point. If there was a secondary attack action in game then thrusting could be an option to it within only 1 tile of range (your front) and maybe a longer cooldown.

    The way you manage the dagger in the game by quickly swinging it doesn’t imply thrusting but slashing the target in front, so no piercing at all. Same as the sword, a secondary attack to it could also be a good idea.

    I agree about Glowing in spears as they were designed to thrust. The farther you are from the target, the longer the cooldown and maybe less the damage to be dealt!

    About piercing in clubs as general that doesn’t seem to be a legitimate idea. Non spiked club (Wooden Club) have no ability to pierce but to violently blow, then piercing status should be removed and critical damage seems to be more realistic in that case.

    A scythe is a tool in agro and not usually used as a weapon, however there are scythes designed for combat (still offhanded).

    in reply to: BOTS #13280

    Lvl 58 USTexas
    Posts: 10

    A sua confusão é com os termos BOT e ALT… Por se mostrar leigo no assunto, não há sombras de dúvidas que tu já tenha ou não usado um bot antes xD

    roBOT (robô): Script introduzido em algum programa ou servidor para que se faça tarefas automáticas/automatizadas, sem a necessidade total de ser controlado por um indivíduo.

    ALTernate account (conta alternativa): Uma segunda conta sua, não sendo a sua principal. Geralmente esse termo é usado na informática para contas alternativas que façam o uso de algum script/bot, já que as mesmas não possuiriam nenhuma outra utilidade naturalmente a não ser tirar proveitos para uma conta principal, ou não.

    Você pode usar quantas alts quiser, pois isso não implica que você esteja fazendo o uso de bots/scripts.

    in reply to: Mystera n vale a pena #13264

    Lvl 58 USTexas
    Posts: 10

    Mystera Legacy is a good game and would be better if community wasn’t so toxic, mainly on BR server, whether even if you’re a noob you’ll get murdered by anything because crowd is about a bunch of old men over 30 acting like [removed by mod] and that makes the experience a crap. I really hope the server closes. A lot of people quit playing because of toxic people.

    Firstly, cry less. Bad people and trolls are everywhere on the internet and anywhere else. Second, community isn’t all about people over 30 years old lurking around <strike>(hopefully)</strike>. Third, it happens in almost every game or mmorpg, you really need to be meticulous in the beginning so do not die for stronger players.

    in reply to: Missing skintone – easy to add? #13254

    Lvl 58 USTexas
    Posts: 10

    You can try contacting developers and propose the idea.

    in reply to: Missing skintone – easy to add? #13212

    Lvl 58 USTexas
    Posts: 10
    in reply to: Missing skintone – easy to add? #13211

    Lvl 58 USTexas
    Posts: 10

    Fixing my post…

    in reply to: Recall tile #13197

    Lvl 58 USTexas
    Posts: 10

    In my case the recall tile didn’t work after I died, I spawned in Crossroads. Also didn’t work on my alt, it spawned on near grass tile.

    in reply to: How does the game decide my top skill? #13159

    Lvl 58 USTexas
    Posts: 10

    Basically your top skill is the first one (top) from your skill list (doesn’t count for (+nn)). To truly check your top skill click “Character” then “Reincarnate”

    in reply to: Strange decay timings. #13150

    Lvl 58 USTexas
    Posts: 10

    Among what DF3CT said, make sure all perimeter can form a square/rectangle shape (eg 2×2 or 3×3, not 3×1), or a wall that isn’t connecting to anything… Any wall that doesn’t conform to that pattern will quickly decay.

    in reply to: BOTS #13149

    Lvl 58 USTexas
    Posts: 10

    Admin recentemente postou sobre o uso de bots, vou ressaltar:

    I also wanted to give a warning that botting will soon be against the game rules. Thanks to the bot detection systems I added last week we will finally be able to police it more effectively.

    For now all cases will still be reviewed by a person when a player is flagged or reported. Punishments will be light to start (possibly timed suspensions). Main accounts may be affected in the case of alts botting. This may or may not apply to simpler macros. If it enables you to level or collect resources with little to no human interaction over long periods of time then it would be safest to disable it to avoid being flagged.

    Graças ao sistema de detecção de uso de bots implementado recentemente, vai ficar mais fácil de fiscalizar as contas. Por hora, as contas que forem flagradas ou reportadas usando bot(s) serão avaliadas e podem levar um ban temporário, tanto na conta alt como na principal. Porém, não se aplica ao uso de macros básicos pelos quais NÃO fazem toda a tarefa manual como subir seu level ou coletar recursos, por exemplo, de forma automatizada.

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