What's in the future for knitting?

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    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 166

    I know there’s a lot of other things keeping the dev busy. 🙂 But I’m just curious.

    Knitting has been largely neglected by players this year; probably because it’s hard to get enough wool to level it very much. Shearing a sheep is enough for 3 thread, which isn’t much when you’re at a higher level and need hundreds. I was curious if we would go back to each wool creating 5 thread instead of 1, but the sheep situation is still a big problem.

    I’m also not sure what level I should be aiming for at all. I remember reading a few months ago that the chance for +1/+2/+3 for knitting and crafting was smoothed out, although I can’t find the source right now. But I’m not sure if this means I should be aiming for a level in the 40s with knitting to get consistent +3s? Or the 50s, 60s, 70s, etc.?

    Because people haven’t been leveling it we don’t know from beta testing, and while I have some gems I could put into knitting enchants I don’t know if I have enough to make a difference, so I’m very hesitant to use them only to find out I should’ve keep saving for a bigger bonus. There’s not much to go on so any information about this would be great.


    This is probably an unintended interaction of the new myst system with knitting, but because you can get a TON more knitting experience at lower levels due to many many more failed attempts, the best way to level knitting right now seems to be to make an alt and level knitting [i]really high[/i] before putting any myst into skill mastery at all.

    With knitting locked at level 10 you stand to gain significantly more XP per thread.

    I don’t expect that this was intended and I’m not sure what to do about it, but I thought I’d bring it up.



    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 166

    Just to follow up; managing to set up a sheep farm does inundate you with a lot of wool, so that’s less of a problem than I thought assuming you can catch some sheep. 🙂


    Posts: 94

    Man, I remember leveling knitting. Before I truly got into it, I created accessories and clothing to improve my knitting skill but as I started knitting, I realized I’d get more exp if I didn’t wear any gear to improve my skill. It’s a little counter intuitive to that end.

    It might be more complicated, but perhaps it would be nice to have a system where knitting skill doesn’t make the knitting process faster or take any less steps, but instead affect how much thread you use.

    Or, if we wanted to keep the current process of knitting affecting success/failure per-action, perhaps we could simply give knitting exp all at once upon completion of an item as opposed to per-action.


    Posts: 18

    I leveled knitting somewhat two incarnations ago and got to skill 43 with gear. This is how I got my Ancient(3) jacket knitted. For me the simplest way to get lots of wool was to ensure I had shears before reincarnating. In newbie village sheep spawn very fast and getting hundred units of wool was a simple matter.

    With +43 total I got +1 garments with every other attempt or so but never crafted any +3s. I did luck out a +2 once. Only once.

    My favorite way to level knitting is while wearing any ancient-runed gear after eating a delicious cooked meal spiked with black pepper … in bed. If you get knitting around low twenties successes appear often enough to milk high exp period very efficiently.

    Oh, high knitting is also very useful in mass creating bandages. Bandages can have runes which makes them the perfect thing to wield for crafting, farming, cooking, smelting and so on if you luck out and get ancient. Which I did. 🙂 Heartily recommended. Same story applies with repair kits too.


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 166

    Black pepper dishes made a big difference for me, between that and setting up a sheep farm I don’t have any complaints about knitting anymore.

    I would like dye-making to be a skill alongside smelting though, with similar mechanics and a way to mass-produce dyes in exchange for less skill xp.

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