What is this game trying to do?

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    Lvl 47 USEast2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 33

    The PvP people are pissed they can’t harass anyone anywhere, and the people who want restricted or no PvP get harassed almost everywhere. Nobody seems very happy with the state of the game right now. It doesn’t seem to work for either side. Why not restrict pvp to within so many levels, which everyone seems to generally agree with. Having a clan full of the top players killing everyone they see all the time, claiming entire maps for themselves, walling off alters, and never letting anyone catch up to them doesn’t really make for a very good or fun or balanced game.


    Lvl 100 USTexas
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 31

    The whole point of the game is to get more powerful, so you can then wield that power however you see fit. That’s supposedly the idea but Admin is slowly making it clear that it’s not really a sandbox and that he personally disapproves of certain play styles, either because it’s against his temperament or he thinks it’s hurting his wallet. Maybe some players did not wield their power responsibly, if so that should be up to the other players to solve that. Admin claims that what this game was trying to do at least in part was be a social experiment, but with the huge amount of intervention by the experimenter I think it’s only a failed experiment now.
    Disallowing or heavily regulating certain kinds of player interaction deeply impairs the social dynamic of the game, and all that will be left is a huge boring grindathon with no purpose.

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