USE Veterans rules only

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    Lvl 50 USEast
    Posts: 2

    Let me start with this seeing how I was labeled something I was not. A few months ago when I first started playing, someone whom I don’t know in game or real life signed in and it said it was the same IP as me. I still don’t know how this is possible. Well just because of this error in game I was apparently labeled a troll from that point. Fast forward to present day. I’ve enjoyed my time playing, it has gotten me through some stuff times in real life, being able to escape to the game world. I was a nice player, I’d say hi or hello to everyone and would help those in need. Giving to those who needed help like gold equipment building materials etc. I liked this game so much I was trying to help the developer by supporting and spending 10-100 dollars a month on supporter status. I even gave diamonds away free to players. But unfortunately the players of USE who have been playing for a year or more who are powerful can label someone something they are not and get away with it cause no one can challenge them. So my reputation and everything I built in the 4 or 5 months I played is ruined in one day because of something I had no control over. Word to the wise, if you want to play on USE (which they don’t put up with pvp or raiders) get Discord so you are aware of things going on, on the server. And just because you are a good, kind and friendly player don’t fool yourself, if one of the top players says something about you it must be true and you will lose everything and not be able to enjoy the game. They will KOS (kill on sight) you till you quit the game. So I’ve deleted the game site from my PC, and uninstalled it from my phone. Good luck and good journeys to those of you playing.


    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    When you have a server in which the top players enforce policies against griefing or raiding of newbies/friendly players obviously this means that they are capable of and will enforce other things as well, whether or not they are right in doing so is besides the point. That is the trade-off for having a server where newbies can flourish without fear of being unjustly stomped out.

    Other servers don’t have many or any players enforcing any policy so pretty much anything goes but this also means newbs and friendly players will be harassed regularly.

    You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

    With that said I do recall the IP issue you mentioned happening to other players as well some time ago although I can’t really comment on your situation specifically but it’s always unfortunate when a player leaves the game for whatever reason.


    Lvl 85 USTexas
    Posts: 55

    I find the community on east is very cancerous… They can’t ban Killing on a PvP game it defeats the purpose of the game

    I don’t recommend it for new players because of the lack of resources and space.

    Anyway here’s the link to the other discord! You won’t have to worry about being kicked/banned for breaking any rules


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 166

    I’m sorry this happened Ice. You were a good neighbor and I’ve never known you to cause trouble, and I don’t have particular reason to care if you are Val or not. Wherever you go from this I wish you fun times.


    Posts: 56

    USE has plenty of resources for the record Willow, noobs are just too lazy to roam around and find them. Those that complain about lack of resources are the very same people that ask for free wood then walk right past a tree. And the game certainly isn’t entirely PvP orientated, if it was there’d be vastly different mechanics. So, really, what you said makes no sense.

    Back on topic;

    Sorry to see you go Ice. You were a really great friend. Can’t say I have much to comment on you being Val or not. Not much else to say other than goodluck elsewhere.

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