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    Posts: 20

    server populations are so high that players have boxed off any resources inside of massive bases. you cant even manage to get a simple holly bush in galebrook, without dumping gold on things. the map is far too small for the number of players.
    its disappointing; i took a 6 month break and come back to find the game virtually unplayable if youre not in a massive existing tribe. im rather sad to find this to be the case. not to mention that i started back at level 1, with the changes made to the game ending up royally screwing me over. i only wanted to hang out and see if my old friends were still on.
    very sad to see such a cute little game broken in this way. i wish it were like the old days when only 6 or so people were on, resources were actually available to forage, and people werent making 100 alts to go pk who they thought to be new players. seems the entire game has become a war over resource claiming. the tribes flame out lower level characters to minimize the possibility that their claims over unnecessarily large areas of the map will ever be threatened by anyone.
    this game has been utterly destroyed and its a real shame. if only additional areas were opened up for more OW building and whatnot… but i guess that didnt seem important enough? *shaking her head*


    Lvl 79 USWest
    Posts: 104

    there are tons of open areas on west and like i told you in game the bushes are still plentiful on the map and i even sell them for 1:1 silver


    Posts: 65

    I have no resource “locked” in my base on ust, and have no problem gathering. Collected 3k wood and 2k stone last night just running around gathering levels in mining and chopping. Find buses and plants plentiful from mobs as seeds, and farm them.

    I have to disagree on the unplayable part.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 49

    git gud


    Posts: 20

    thank you, harlem; you’re a dear. although i appreciate your help and empathy, i think i made the right choice 6 months ago.
    unfortunately the developers think its a good idea to make you start as a brand new character when you change servers, so i would have to grind for months to get back to the fourth incarnation i was at on EST. i left for a good reason, last time, though that reason has been, over these six months, corrected. all for nothing, however, as i come to find this game is filled with toxic trolls who want to turn this game into their own twisted dominion of warlords and galebrook into a pillaged third world country. all to do what? to be top players?
    when i used to play this game, people left each other alone in that regard. they recognized those who werent in it for a competition – they could plainly see that there were certain players who only wanted to hang out and relax, while building a little garden and role playing with their friends. now, it doesnt seem to matter to these greedy trolls – theyre so worried that someone is there to reclaim the territory they walled off and land they raped that theyll flame out any new player they see, desperate to keep the map for their selfish selves. its a damn shame but i think i would have been less sad right now if i had simply left the whole thing well enough alone.
    all of the players that used to be there are almost all gone, excepting furious and latte. they all left for the very same reasons ive brought up in this post. and with that, i think ill follow their leads.
    maybe one day the server populations will shrink back down to a playable level but as it stands now, unless the developers make the map bigger to sustain its massive populations, its nothing more than a let-down.


    Posts: 20

    and tirioll dont git gud me you scrub i was playing this game before you even knew it existed so eat a you know what n00b


    Posts: 20

    god even the replies to my post are living proof of the new community’s toxic and cancerous attitude. enjoy, children.


    Lvl 109 London
    Posts: 70

    I’ve gotta say I’ve been really impressed with the community on US WEST. Everyone has been incredibly helpful and neighbors have rallied to my aid on more than one occasion. There is also still a lot of open space as well. Maybe it’s an individual server that is causing the issue.


    Posts: 65

    Sorry if my response came across as toxic, I was just trying to post a contrary response.
    I feel there is still good community existing within servers, even if trolls do exist. Also, I feel the game still has enough resources available, if you take the time to travel around, and gather.
    Glad you found a community you like though, and hope it gets better for you.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 49

    fezzywig, I could not care less about the size of your ego. You pop out of nowhere with this archetypical whini-whiny attitude, claiming the game is “unplayable”, and accuse others of being toxic. Yes, it is not the same game it used to be a few months ago. It is a community-driven sandbox, so it naturally changes when it goes from 5 to 50 players online. As others have explained, it does not take much effort to get seeds, bushes or find unclaimed land, especially on newer servers. Just need to learn a little bit how to play in a changed environment.

    So again, git gud or get out. <3

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