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  • #10789

    Lvl 70 Europe
    Posts: 18

    1. In some older pc’s or laptops, the chatbox doesn’t go all the way down.

    2. On mobile still has the auto walk down glitch.

    3. If our country’s network is like crap, the chat sends and loads or appear slow.

    4. An option to clear chatbox so that it doesn’t take up to much memory to run game.

    5. An option to earn when killing an infamous player, maybe the more infamous, more assassin and extras?


    Posts: 11

    Hi Zaigal, did u try /bchat command? You stop to receive msgs after use this command, but you can still send messages for others.

    For infamous admin made a upgrade in his note, on forum Mystera Discussion. Check the link below:

    Sry if did I write some thing wrong, English isn’t my first language. But I trying. =D


    Posts: 5

    This game needs SOME form of player accountability ive been playing 3 days now and ive noticed one thing.

    Veteran Players are free to bully new players which leads to them holing up in wellington and refusing to leave which encourages them to be assholes as well since they can just hide forever in the safe zone and not face repercussions which makes a self policed game pointless

    Suggesting: A report Button. look if your a greifer in game fine whatever it’s a valid playstyle. but if the only reason you exist is to be a petty vulgar troll in game chat you lose the ability to chat simple.

    Example: Cevil talking about how his “peepee” and “poohole” are being hurt >.> I would care more if the guy wasn’t obviously an adult man and saying things just to be disgusting he obviously had no interest in playing beyond annoying everyone over the chat.

    Suggesting: A steeper Penalty then infamy

    What Penalty does a high level receive for killing? nothing they can’t just walk off. or wait out. Low Level Players can’t retaliate either due to how destruction and construction skills work so even if they found the vet base unguarded and had a hammer they hit the walls for 0 dmg Wellington is also leading to people just hiding there to avoid being killed people are getting even angrier at each other. there’s also alt account abuse as well

    Example: MissVixy lost 300 gold to a known scammer/asshole Phoenix normally this would set him/her back that was all their money. Nope hops on an alt pays themself and suddenly has 300 more gold Vixy goes on a massive rage spree putting a bounty on anyone who even so much as talked to them. this is blatant bullshit

    Maybe an actual upside for being reputable honest person maybe tie to to myst like a myst bonus

    Reasoning : this game currently encourages you to be scum there’s no reason not to when your geared enough which encourages more people to play scum because they were cheated/stolen from/killed in the past which ill say right now are fair game in this game

    But there’s no benefit to not doing it
    TLDR Scum: Kill person get resources base raid: get resources
    “good” Player:pass up the kill miss out on resources don’t steal the gear : pass up on resources.


    Lvl 85 USTexas
    Posts: 55

    I still like the autowalk glitch it means that I can go afk and farm pepper and flint I don’t really see it as a glitch as it makes farming so much easier


    Posts: 16

    WelshFox- I’ll respond here instead of on the other thread, because you had more to respond to here.

    First off, I was in no way defending the troll you were speaking of. I don’t know that one in particular, but I know the type. They need to be dealt with, I just disagree with the method you are proposing.

    The problem with trying to have a “report” function, is that it requires staff to monitor what is going on, make sure the reports are legitimate, and then ban if it is determined that they are. There are 9 servers to monitor (and probably more to come) 24 hours a day. It’s unlikely that the game will support a paid staff to do this, so what you will end up with are volunteers. The only people who would do this voluntarily are people who play and enjoy the game. This means you will be giving players, who have their own friends, enemies, and biases the ability to ban people. This will be abused.

    I think a better solution to this problem would be:

    Don’t allow people to speak unless they can be killed for what they are saying. Get rid of Wellington, make all zones PVP. Make the trip from Newb to the rest of the world 1 way. When you are in Newb, you can’t speak in global. Once you leave, there will be consequences for what you say. If you get killed down below a certain level, the character gets reset to lvl 0 back in newb, with no progress or items retained. Then they can try again and hopefully learn to behave themselves. If not, they’ll keep starting over until they do.

    *EDIT: While it works well in other games, it just occured to me that the reset thing doesn’t work in this game because of Reincarnation. It would be unfair for someone who just rein’d to get killed a couple of times and lose everything. I guess you’d have to leave Rein progress and items alone. So it would be less of a deterrent, but at least you could shut them up for a bit.

    Lastly, you state that the game encourages you to be scum because there is no reason not to. I disagree with that as well. Some people have a moral compass. Some don’t. There are those of us who won’t kill, steal or cheat, not because someone is forcing us, but because it’s the right thing to do. You shouldn’t need an “upside” for being a “reputable honest person” person. If you need an upside, it doesn’t really count in my eyes anyway.


    Posts: 5

    Kallyn i have no clue who you are :l

    Edit. oh your that guy from the other forum.

    Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me if Dev doesin’t know how to call up chat logs of ONE PLAYER which are MILES LONG and ALL GARBAGE. to confirm weather this guy should be banned or not.

    This applys to any character the server has a chatbox it should have easily accessible logs. Control F the players name (essentially) and give it a glance over. it takes secons.

    Removing well fixes nothing infact a bet a bunch of player would be EXTREAMLY pisses if suddenly all their shit is deleted from the game. good solution though

    Moral Compass doesn’t exist without something to enforce it. and let’s face it not ones enforcing anything except BAR encouraging more Scum. Philosophy 101 if no one agrees it can’t work.

    Especially in the game where very few people care about consequences except the people low level enough to get scum killed anyway.

    oh look. self sustaining assholery with no consequences for those in power.


    Lvl 150 Brazil
    Posts: 1

    Server BR

    The motivation of the Brazilian players in the game is important.

    Much abandonment for demotivation because of difficulty in framing and exchanges, for a few playline oline and power abuse.

    we need a new possibility to get resources e Easy,to increase the trade with players and to make a serves more dynamic allowing the permanence of new players

    By: Uzuma


    Posts: 22

    lmao, did you just call “Autowalk” a glitch? hahaha, my man its a feature. u can do autowalk on pc to, if you call autowalk a glitch then lets call “Respawn inside a house without floors” a glitch too yeah?


    Posts: 1

    Hi, I would like to make a report of a player who did a wall around galebook and not to enter or leave the sevidor is virtually stopped because of this weight you get that wall so that everyone can play. Thank you for your attention

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