Suggestion: On the topic of decay

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  • #2255

    Posts: 4

    Could we maybe change how decay works? Instead of having shit fall apart in a week (Fahad forbid you go on vacation), you instead have it take % increased damage every day it isn’t hit by a repair kit. Maybe 10% per day or something. It’s a pain taking a break from the game knowing that everything you’ve built will have fallen to ruin, and your booty looted. At least this way, with a relatively active tribe, you won’t have to log on constantly to repair your structures.

    I’m not saying get rid of decay completely, as it keeps the game world from being cluttered, but at the very least it needs to be reworked.


    Posts: 94

    Unrelated to the original suggestion of % damage, I’d say your structures should just start decaying if you haven’t logged in for a period of time. If the point is to keep the world from getting cluttered, this would do it while also limiting the amount of “chore” the players have to look forward to when logging on.


    Lvl 402 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 40

    Maybe repairing could give a 12-24 hour buff to walls that prevents or reduces normal decay. The MM base and farm can easily take 1.5-2 hours to repair and it needs to get done every few days at least, so I agree that repairing has turned into a chore. To be fair our base is much bigger than it needs to be, but even if it was half the size that’s a lot of time repairing and not at all fun or rewarding other than you get to keep your base.

    Nerd’s suggestion of 10% per day would make it much more tolerable. I think that’s pretty straight forward and would work (with adjusting the number at worst), so I don’t have much else to say about it. I think that decay after being logged out for a while could work. That would also give more of an advantage to staying logged in while in a bed. However it seems like the easy way to get around this would be to build your base with an alt and afk them in your base all day with no risk to your main character. Another possibility would be make a max number of times a wall can be damaged by decay per day, so the average is closer to the same on all your structures and it would be easier to repair it all at once and not worry as much about having holes in your wall after being gone for a few days. However if you’re Native people will be nice and build new walls instead of robbing you XD.

    On a side note I have noticed that rarely when destroying a wall or gate decay can destroy them, preventing me from getting the gold if it’s a tribe vault or gate. So my suggestion is to disable decay on structures which have been attacked in the past 3-5 minutes. This would also prevent you from missing out on loot while taking a break to repair weapons.

    Sidetracking to roads a little. Could road decay be lowered some? I will spend 3-5k stone on road tiles around the MM base along with the larger road S and E going to CC and 2 weeks later it looks as bad or worse. I’m fine with having to invest resources periodically, but it would be nice if it wasn’t 20 stone per tile or so frequently that they decay. Perhaps road tiles surrounded by other road tiles could not decay or have a much lower rate? it’s also annoying to have a road 3 wide and have a mine or tree pop up in the middle because of decay.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by  TheFurious.
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