Suggestion: Advanced Tribe Permissions

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    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    I feel a necessary component to properly managing a tribe would be a more advanced permissions system, amongst other additional features that I would deem important to tribe management as well.

    The most important goal I’d like to see achieved with this would be to decrease the possibility or effect of spies and raiders infiltrating your tribe in order to sidestep the towers and raid while others are offline or turn the towers off to allow others to raid the base. To me it seems one of the largest barriers to recruiting new players to tribes is that very risk that your items or the items of your tribe members can be taken because any tribe member is allowed to deactivate towers or access any other member’s locks or avoid any traps. For these reasons I feel a more rigorous system should be put in place.

    The guide is not clear on what each of the ranks in a tribe allow members to do other than Elders having the capability to enter vault gates, invite players and promote themselves to leader if the leader becomes absent. For example though, if a member is a recruit and can still access locks and use towers and enter the normal tribe gates then what exactly is the purpose of that rank? What can regular members do that recruits can’t?

    Personally I would like to see individual options available to modify each specific member of a tribe in areas such as lock access, tower use, allowance to invite or kick members and probably some other things that I cannot think of at the moment.

    Individual gate permissions might be a nice thing though I am not certain how it could be done. I’d also be fine with simply adding another level of tribe gate for the member rank and I believe something to that effect has been suggested on the forum already.

    Take from that what you will though, my biggest concern is mostly related to locks in any case.


    Posts: 181

    I’ll test this when home as my faction is essentially just me.

    I do support this though, and that’s speaking as a raider.


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    Its funny I was just thinking about this last night, and I know its been suggested before so I hadn’t suggested again recently, but, perhaps more people rallying for something will make it more of a priority.

    I have to spend considerable flint repairing our base and that’s been doubled because I also installed a wall separating the external facing towers from all but tribe Elders. If there was an option to keep recruits and/or members from touching the towers to begin with I could have definitely saved on resources (though there are other merits to having walls within walls within walls).

    While its important to screen people carefully before letting them into any tribe, I find myself not actively recruiting because we have a lot of semi-unsecured items that I don’t want walking away (we’re hoarders…). If I could have options to have recruits-level doors I would likely create recruit housing with basic necessities and we determine that people are a good fit for *our* group move them into member roles and access to the “better” items (emphasis because I’m not saying people bad for our tribe are bad, just saying their play style would be better served elsewhere). Having this option would allow us to bring more people into our tribe with less risk, which would keep them safer from the world at large (Texas is a rough place sometimes) and encourage them to play for longer, which would benefit the game in general.

    So, I see no con’s to this, only pro’s:

    1) more tribe recruitment
    2) less drama with less things going missing / happier leaders
    2) happier safer players
    3) more money towards the game as people thrive, play, and buy supporter
    4) less building resources needed to keep up with double walls (and smaller base footprints in general)
    5) less repair resources needed to keep up with double walls


    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 87



    Lvl 64 USTexas
    Posts: 58

    I fully support these ideas. It is way to wayyy to easy to infiltrate any tribe (ive tested) and I would love to see a new “member” rank door. You should have to work your way from recruit to member, its the natural way lol. Idk what mechanics could be put in place to protect towers.. Unless you made it where within tribe walls only those ranked “elder” could turn towers on and off. Although I have been part of one tribe that was raided and we would have been defenseless if members couldnt operate towers. A member door would solve most problems however because recruits wouldn’t be able to access important towers in the first place. Lots of good ideas from you as always Kaios. Keep it up, happy gaming and gl.


    Posts: 181

    Operate meaning load?

    Adding arrows shouldn’t be an issue of rank as I don’t see many negatives there.

    Turning them off however …


    Posts: 103


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