Some Reinc Questions

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  • #7212

    Posts: 12

    Is it worth to reinc? respectively from how much reincs on?
    Which is the maximal number of possible reincs?
    Can i reinc an skill whitout the necessary skill mastery for it? (f. a. skill mastery to 40 but the skill neets 45 or 50 to be reinct)
    How much Reincs you would recomomend?


    Lvl 109 London
    Posts: 70

    Here are the answers to your questions as best I can do, in the order they are asked.

    1. The answer is debatable and depends on several factors:
    – How much time are you going to invest into the game
    – What aspects of rpgs and mmo’s do you particular enjoy
    – What are your long term goals
    2. No one has determined the maximum number of carns yet. There is an upper limit as available exp decreases with every carn, but no one has reached it.
    3. This question may be asking 1 of 2 different things:

    If you are asking can you get a fifth blue star with only level 4 skill mastery unlocked:

    No, you cannot carn without the necessary skill mastery. The button will appear saying my body
    is ready, but when you push it you will receive an additional message saying you must first
    unlock the necessary skill mastery to carn.

    If you are asking do you need to unlock skill mastery level 5 for the exp you have gained above
    and beyond your skill mastery level to count towards your top skill this carn, then the answer
    is yes. The exp will still count towards it being your top skill.

    4. This answer is again debatable based on too many factors to get into. I will say that this game is still in active development and the benefits of reincarnation may change with time. This means those blue stars might become much more valuable down the road. Right now, base level is not huge advantage once you are high enough level to equip powerful items. It does not affect your damage or defense. There is a small bump to your hp but it is usually only about 2 points per level. When you reincarnate your upgrades reset everytime and this makes a huge difference especially when it comes to pvp. That means if you really want to be powerful, at some point you will have to ascend.


    Posts: 12

    Thank a lot for this tons of worthfull informations!

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