RIP Native

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    Posts: 94

    Heads up, if you’re expecting leaving drama, you probably won’t find it here.

    First, I wanted to thank the community for keeping my stuff together for so long, even when I wasn’t logging in regularly, and wish the best of luck to this game. I’ll continue donating/supporting it even now that I’ve quit, and I plan to continue supporting it until it goes to full release.

    In anycase, I logged in last week and saw everything that wasn’t locked was looted and all the tables/towers were scrapped, etc. A bit of a surprise, but I had it a long time coming, so it wasn’t too bad. Until then, multiple times, my walls had crumbled while I was off, just to be saved by friends on the server (Mainly Tux, bless that dude) whom held it all together in my memory. This time, as I checked my walls, they had fallen apart in 6-7 different locations, meaning: Wow, the entire store had probably been on the edge of collapse before it got repaired for the purpose of looting it in peace. There was a player chipping away at the walls with a sword, bleeding out and afk, and while I considered killing the guy for “breaking in”, I decided not to. Because in reality, as I had stopped playing, he had every right to be there. As strange as it is, scavengers are a prominent part of Mystera’s “ecosystem”. Two of my best memories of the game actually come from scavenging and running into other scavengers. Once I was killed (A player named Blue Blood), and the other time I let a guy go with all the loot even though I could kill him, just because we both understood why we were there (To loot Hipea’s house).

    Anyway, what am I trying to get at? I like the game, and I like it alot and I have alot of good memories to take with me thanks to you all. However, no matter what cool game I play, I’ll eventually stop playing it to play something else. That’s all that happened here and I wish the best for the players that continue playing and for the developer toiling away at this game to produce these regular updates.


    Lvl 5 USWest
    Posts: 75

    Thanks Native, the support and positivity help keep me going 🙂 You and your awesome shop will be missed – Hope to see you back sometime!


    Posts: 3

    In my heart, you will always be NativeIII. Bye bye, my dear love.

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