Regarding PVP and green zones.

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  • #2777

    Lvl 32 USEast
    Posts: 12

    Currently many players have been dealing with a griefer. We have been unable to respond due the safe spaces provided by the game. Not one to complain without having a suggestion, however bad- I propose a new measure:

    Player Killers receive a tag that makes them unprotected in green zones for a duration of time.

    I will give an example from another game, “Tibia” where players who attack another player receive a white skull next to their name, and players who have killed other players receive a red skull.

    What I suggest is that a player who attacks another player receive a “white skull” for a few minutes that either makes them vulnerable inside, or unable to enter green zones for ~5mins.
    A player who murders another player receives a “red skull” and becomes vulnerable or unable to enter green zones for a significantly longer time, days- and increases when continuing to be violent.

    Alternatively: “Yellow Zones”. Only the newbie town should be green and other current green zones become yellow. Yellow zones do not protect characters over level 20.


    Posts: 9

    I agree on your idea hopefully it become true soon

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