PvP Item Suggestions, Check it out !

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    Lvl 95 USWest
    Posts: 144

    Good Evening ,

    I think PvP could be even more interesting if we had some sort of pipe bomb / grenade type item that we can throw. Smoke Bomb . Spike Shard Bomb. Posion Bomb

    ( Even in the movie 300 they had some sort of jug grenades that the Persians used I think it’s possible in the world of mystera! )

    Maybe even pressure plates that can trigger posion darts/arrows as a new defense item for your castle !


    Lvl 85 USTexas
    Posts: 15

    Im half with you. Thrown weapons? Nah, weapon types are fine for now and unarmed is in the works for an addition.

    Traps? Most definitely yes. Smoke trap is an idea, mud trap should be a thing it’s already a mechanic, arrow traps that shoot a straight line? Poison trap? With the slow additions to offensive abilities it’s about time for defense to get more complicated.


    Lvl 85 USTexas
    Posts: 74

    Mud traps are already a thing, however i would love to see some sort of trap mechanics (like terraria) where we could set up some kind of AOE explosion, debuff traps, & single target massive dmg traps (like shards but shot in a single direction). Maybe even dmg over time traps (like field runes in tibia)


    Lvl 95 USWest
    Posts: 144

    Exactly what I had in mind. Could step up the PVP roleplay a little . Use smoke bombs. Poison gas AoE , and maybe even add surikens you can toss slightly shorter range than a bow and a new sword katana and you can level a new skill that can be called Shinobi Arts ?? Gives +1% dmg to katana and shuriken and increases traps effectiveness ? That would be cool as hell .


    Lvl 95 USWest
    Posts: 144

    Now im letting my imagination get the best of me lol

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