pvp and zoning

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    Lvl 402 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 40

    I was thinking that it might be good to make it so you can’t leave a zone while in combat, similar to lanterns. Then market square could be turned into a safe zone and more of a market than afk killing grounds.


    Lvl 120 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 36

    So on US East server, people were discussing that they want a safe place to trade. It seems like a majority of people want the Market Square map to be a Non-PVP zone. Then they can trade safely in a neutral zone.

    However, this can be abused by griefers and murderers because you can enter Market Square from any West Edge of Galebrook. So these griefers and murderers can just escape to the non-pvp zone so easily. To fix this, I believe that players shouldn’t be able to change zones/maps when they are in combat. It would be like how you can’t use an Escape Lantern to get away when you’re in combat. I think this would be fair.


    Posts: 95

    I can see some sense in this.

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