Petition for permanent IP-ban

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  • #3201

    Posts: 95

    I am creating this topic to gather votes, and the admins attention, to a nuisance in the game, in the form of a player that goes by the name “heartboxers”.

    We want him gone, he only causes trouble, insults players, and constantly blocks the main road we so carefuly mantain.

    Sure, we could just break down the walls, or fight him, but this is enough. I know building things is a part of the game, and not against rules, but really, I think all of the community would be happy with him gone, forever.

    Thank you.


    Posts: 24

    Same happened in our server, player name “Spaceboy”.. my guild had to KOS his entire guild till they all left him after which we had to raid his house and destroy it from inside.

    now he’s left the server for good.. but destroying all the walls is still a problem coz he got the towers loaded with arrows.

    I agree with u completely here.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 45

    As much as I don’t like it, I don’t agree with banning someone because they are building crap on the roads. Instead, some game mechanics could be employed to either make it impossible to do so or make it easier for another player reverse the damage done.

    As for the insults, players should use /ignore.


    Posts: 5

    While there are definitely valid points for both sides of the argument, I still side with the idea of banning the player in question due to the fact that they are indeed derogatory and proceed to have little other goal other than making sure that others are hindered by their actions.

    A ban is not always the best go-to, yet, in this circumstance, yes, I feel it is necessary; a temporary ban (week or so, at least) to show that, yes, one may be capable of doing such actions, however, when the entire community itself repeatedly requests the ceasing of their actions, then something should be done.

    An ignore only goes so far and taking down the structures does little else than waste our time when we could be actually playing the game. Reprecussions need to show that even if a player is capable of performing certain actions, and if the entirety of a population requests, both nicely and not-so-much, then actions to prohibit toxic play will be taken.


    Posts: 95

    Yes, banning may not always be the 100% justified, but he doesnt play the game to play it. He logs in every day just to cause grief for others. He makes no useful impact on the game nor he cares about it. People like him have no use here and need to be removed so decent gamers like us can enjoy the game and keep donating to it.

    A lot of online games and servers prohibit toxic behaviour and griefing.

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