Pet idea

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    Lvl 140 Europe
    Posts: 3

    Just an idea, give us 1 or 2 new pets for example (cat and hawk or something) that are harder to get.
    and let us give one piece of equip to the pet that will benefit our stats, wouldn’t make pet’s so useless..
    or something like that


    Lvl 141 USTexas
    Posts: 14

    +1… Or have pets hold items for us… like 3 to 5 items? Pet mules hehe.


    Lvl 156 Europe
    Posts: 96

    Nah, Taming skill and allow some mobs to be tamed depending on the Tamer skill lvl.
    Taming takes a while, like Knitting, depending on the UW lvl, has a chance to screw up and start over, monsters will self-defense ofc

    Although, that will require more commands and there will be many ways to exploit it.

    Unless the admin actually only allows to tame cows sheeps wolves bats and snakes, skeletons not along with liches etc because they’re pride of the undead and will die instead of serving a mere human


    Posts: 4


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