Pearls of Wisdom

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    Posts: 73

    Re: Forum Rules

    I’m sorry for all the trouble this is causing for you and JVH. There’s not much FL and I can do on our end (due to the fact that players can use a proxy or VPN, and they should be able to voice their concerns). But from my experience as a black female gamer and most of FL’s members experience with gaming and coding, we’ve found that giving people even less ways to communicate in a broken system is most efficient in drying out their motivation to play and financially support the game.

    Re: reviving old posts and bumping, I was the only one that did it recently, and since I was ignored except for the negative portion of my comments, I will assume that my posts influence the sudden addition of forum rules.

    But, I digress. As for the old posts and bumping threads, players can connect how you are not (you and whoever else mods??) responding to older posts or ignoring, with or without this rule. So, that particular rule doesn’t mean anything in the grand scale of things.

    I will be awaiting my suspension, or the deletion of this post (don’t worry I’m screenshotting it first). I really hope that you both enjoy the 70 days left of donor of the Blacula-Akhen household. I am sure you can have a nice dinner, and I hope with all my heart and soul that you think of us then.

    If you think any of this is a personal attack or me being argumentative, ask any other FL region about what the last paragraph was meant to be. For now, I’m out! Without receiving an apology, or a reply to private messages and emails LONG before the clusterfuck that was the feedback of this last patch.

    * Please note that this long message was paraphrasing a long message received in PM by Ivana where she convinced me that it was not worth it to suspend people for being racists and for attacking individual members.

    ** Also note that I am not mad that there would be suspensions now, but that the dev team (dev + mod) are scrambling, now, to enact suspensions, but were completely nonchalant about aggressive in-game behavior that superseded virtual boundaries.
    Ivana comments

    TL;DR: Not my problem if you refuse to read and draw your own conclusions.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 38

    I would ask for a refund personally. But you know me I am a bit more aggressive than you. I would have left that last paragraph in but I know you are to kind to actually deal that low of a blow.

    After telling a few people that we FL are basically done playing more than one person has mentioned that we will be missed and we should stay in touch with them. For those of you reading… if you want to stay in touch send Jopah, Julius, or any FL member a pm so we can connect out of the game. Hopefully you all will see this before it gets deleted.

    My last words(in this post, I talk to much to actually not reply) are to Ivana… don’t ask for opinions and activity then threaten the active players with suspension and deletion for doing just that. I wish you the best of luck in this game.


    Lvl 2 London
    Posts: 173

    I’m really sorry that you guys are so upset over all this. That PM along with several other issues you have brought up to me is proof that I have really tried to be nice and attentive to player’s concerns while juggling my real life responsibilities and helping with the game. I have seen a huge amount of complaints about several frost legion members that I have kept private to protect your reputations, despite the way you guys talk to me.

    I really try to get your main concerns across to JVH which is why I suggested shorter posts. It wasn’t to silence you, it was to make things easier for me.. it’s not easy to dissect long posts when I have a crying 10 month old in my ear. JVH can’t read/respond to these threads because he is working on content or bugfixes every day. I don’t want questions to be missed, and I don’t have all the answers either but I am doing my best.

    Though I know you guys are leaving I wish you all well and hope you find a game that makes you happy.

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