patition to ban memestars ip

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    Polar Bear
    Posts: 46

    there isnt much to say about this. if you played in the same time with him you know what im talking about.
    everyone that think the dev should ban him comment yes
    everyone else just dont comment
    if you are memestar, then go fuck yourself.


    Posts: 73


    Racial slur and Swastika included.

    Mind you, this seems to be one of the many alts of Naugrim Plague, who has carried on with many many other “lovely” names like Hitler### HeilSieg, etc etc etc

    In other words, if there is a solution to this dilemma (apart from ignoring: I’ve been there and done that) then I’m on board with it


    Posts: 11

    ya, this guy also broke into my house and killed me when i relogged lol


    Posts: 7

    This game has no rules so i think it is fine. Also we could use a “bad” guy to have some spice in the game.


    Posts: 13

    I against bans. Community would solve it somehow 😉 I’m sure that Mystera would “digest” everything.


    Posts: 73

    Friendly: I think there is a big difference between pot-stirrers, killers and thieves in game, and someone who is advocating (whether as part of a trolling event or not) racism while making players uncomfortable in real life.

    Tangar: I wish there was a way that we could resolve it as a community. That’s what I’d prefer. But staying awake until morning dealing with Naugrim’s shit, only to have to put up with this bs 5 hours later?

    That I don’t like


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 38

    Hey so it looks like I forum now >.< what is this game doing to me. I Just came across this and decided to clarify some stuff and give viable suggestions.

    As far as I understand Meme and Naugrim are two different people. I don’t know what the hell got up Memes ass other than pure dumbassery…but hate speech has no place in gaming. Very few things make me legit mad but this is one of them. Troll, kill, steal, whatever… I mean its not like the other players wont settle things in game. But to actively bring up the Holocaust, Hitler, or anything that fucked up, seriously makes you are a vile human. If you are doing this and go “totes jokes bro” you are an ass that should be ostracized from the game. And if you think the community wont step in you are beyond wrong… but that doesn’t mean we don’t need a break from the drama. Now to the IP banning. As I have said Meme and Naugrim, while both dicks are most likely not the same person. Even if they weren’t they have never logged in from the same IP so an IP ban wouldn’t work.

    Suggestion #1: I do think that enough /ignores should trigger a temporary ban like 12-24 hrs for the account itself, so that JVH or an admin he appoints have time to review things. The reason I don’t say IP is because there are soooooo many ways to get around your IP being banned. And while I know that new accounts can be made we can just /ignore till the person gives up.

    Suggestion #2: Restrict certain names. I really don’t think I need to expand on this, but I will anyways. I don’t mean stupid names, I mean outright racist names. I don’t know how hard it is to implement either of these but it would allow for smoother game play.

    PS if anything I wrote makes no sense let me know so I can clarify.


    Posts: 73

    /agree with Sephi

    At the time, Memester said that he was Naugrim. Coupled with his action I assumed to be true. I mean, who would do that?

    That being said, I like the idea that a large amount of /ignores from different people (a substantial amount) that triggers a temporary ban, could be a nice solution.

    I have no idea on how feasible it would be to implement, but it could at least help dissuade this douchebaggery


    Posts: 13

    I against censorship. Especially in virtual world. Ban = censorship. So…

    1) freedom! no bans! Its like the death penalty in real world, BAD THING.. especially automated one. Btw you could be attacked with yours weapon – its possible to use proxy, create 20 characters and ban anyone with this “auto-feature”.
    2) bans by IP or by account is useless cause there are a lot of free proxy. you just show the troll that he got you and he want to continue. DONT FEED THE TROLL %)
    3) player who get banned could do nasty stuff, trust me… For example, DDOS which could kill the game (I know some “small-scale” MMORPGs which died cause of it). Better to teach bad guys in regular, gameplay ways… Ban makes people cross the line.

    So, solutions for bad behaviour problem:
    1) If you do not like someone – just use “/ignore [name]” command.
    2) if you want to change something to good – find and “teach” bad person a good manners by fire and sword 🙂


    Posts: 73

    All of your solutions are easier said than done. Have done them, and one of the alts is currently hidden away in a jail, though.

    For trolls /ignore is obviously the way to go. Which is what was done when Memester came back on today and tried to stir things up again.

    Without getting into details, the DDOS attack was already used as a threat, and this was before things escalated. Not sure if the person who issued the threat are even able to do it but it should be noted that they didn’t wait for provocation to say they would do such a thing.

    How about making it so the IP is recorded every time for the login rather than just for character creation? Sure, they can open up incognito windows and use proxies but that would require a constant use and change. So, it doesn’t block the problem, but it might alleviate the problem by a) causing the person more trouble, and b) alerting other players so that they can actually do either of your solutions (/ignore or hunt and kill).

    To reiterate as I’ve said here, in /b, /tc and /t, the memester thing, he’s just being a troll so I don’t think much of it. Although I do think we need to be aware of the repercussions of such inflammatory messages considering our international and multicultural community.

    The Naugrim thing, it’s a bit more personal for me, and a bit more beyond just trolling. So the solutions are a way to start but may not be the end of it.


    Posts: 1

    Impossible to fight by using game mechanics with someone, who does not come to play game, and comes to propagate nazism.


    Posts: 6

    The thing is, when Hitler show up in game week ago or so, it was great fun to mess this guy, I keep killing him, block his base, take his things and laugh allot then he get mad in chat after every reborn.

    Then I got notation from community what this is not a fair way to treat Ukrainian nazi and I should “give him a chance” blah – blah … so at this point shit hits the fun, I back to my tree chopping routine.

    What I want to say, basically if someone act like a cunt and got kickass for his action in return, this should be absolutely normal, this dramas always the main engine which drive PvP sandbox games, produce forum posts, like this one, put people in to funny discussions etc. Just let things go, let someone get mad with someone and let them deal with it, join one side, participate in war, kill his chickens, or just watch. Is also good thing to make friends, so if you fall in to trouble you have bro, who come with you and rape the bastard, cut off his reproduction device and share his loot with you.

    Just a personal view based on huge experience.

    P.S. Ban only can take a place, if someone abuse bug and as the result someone
    base got raided ( as example door hack ). But usually skills reset is the right solution.


    Posts: 99

    It’s my opinion that everyone here needs to take a step back, and understand that there is no measure you can take to prevent anyone from playing. Just ignore, and kill as needed. Feeding morons attention like this encourages them. And banning then is giving them attention.


    Posts: 6

    banning people won’t do anything. this game is free so he will just make a new account. or if you ban his IP then he could change it. just ignore him and move on. The number one rule of the internet is NEVER feed the trolls.


    Posts: 99

    It’s strange to revive this thread, but it’s worth noting that almost everyone who replied to it ended up getting banned because they “abused a bug” or knew someone who did. I was banned for over a month.

    Precedent is set that anyone who is accused of bug abusing can be banned, but It’s totes cool to make 100 accounts named Jew## and a hitler to kill them all.

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