New zone (World Boss)(suggestions)

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    Posts: 22

    So we have been told that the expansion of the northern snow area will be finished come winter.So iv been thinking of what i think would be amazing content that could be added.

    I think adding a new world boss would be amazing with new unique drops only provided by the new boss.So here is a few idea of what i think this boss should be, what it offers and how the combat could be.

    So the boss itself should stay in theme with the snow area. So maybe a “Mother yeti” boss that has different phases like the skeleton king.
    So in this new boss room, it should have different and better mechanics than SK maybe give people a frozen meter and some campfires that they will have to keep lit or they will become frozen for a short time and take % damage. You could also free your trapped friends to prevent them from taking as much damage. Maybe even adding a protection phase were you have to use different weapons based on the color of the aura around the boss to give people more incentive to train melee weapons. It could also spawn normal yeti’s that are fast moving and target you or your campfires so you would need to have a planned team to focus fire on the boss and those.

    I also think there should be a rare chance of finding a “frozen explorer” that when freed (dead or alive) will give you an explorers backpack that has some newly found items inside like a journal that would lead you to some cords to dig at to find loot.(this could add more incentive to raiding or diplomacy or just general asking people to let you use their land and such… and also alot of new ores/wepons/armors would be amazing please all add your suggestions so we can make the new zone amazing!


    Posts: 65

    Overall I like the idea of a world boss, but the sheer number of mechanics you are requesting seems like it would take more people than generally get high enough to partake in such activities.

    Scaled back slightly this could be amazing, kept where a tribe of 5 or so could complete the world boss. Furthermore, I like the idea of unique drops as well to incentevise the challenge.

    The one thing I would like to see in the new area is mobs that require higher skills to combat, and more ranged mobs that could do higher damage the further away they are. I feel this would limit the power of shooting enemies from a distance, and actually give melee an advantage in at least one spot in the game so far.

    I would also like see some party system mechanics if creating a “world boss” as sometime people get screwed in the deal when playing with other people.

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