New Supporter Benefit/New Subscription Benefit

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    Lvl 52 USWest2
    Posts: 2

    The ability to start a new server. No admin. No power over anyone else. Just be able to bring out more servers. Too many times have I found a MMORPG really interesting, but didn’t play because of the fact that it was too late in the game. What I am getting at is, games like these are competitive because everyone’s main goal is to be at the top. If I start a new character on a year old server, there is no way I would ever catch up to anyone at the top of the leaderboard, unless they happened to stop playing. Either way, the game would develop to a certain point that new people wouldn’t even bother playing. So that’s why I’m suggesting new servers. It doesn’t have to specifically be part of the supporters package, but maybe offer it as another package. I’m not sure how much it costs to run each server a month, but I’m just assuming that it shouldn’t be too ridiculously high. All I’m saying is it’ll attract new players like me.


    Lvl 52 USWest2
    Posts: 2

    Also, if you’re viewing this then please leave your opinion on this, and state whether or not you would support it.


    Lvl 56 SEAsia2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 35

    sadly insulting in the forums would get me shadow muted/banned
    asia has been out for like 2 months and london for less than a week
    are u blind mate


    Lvl 399 Europe
    Posts: 96

    Asia has 1 month and a week, and London 4 days. 4 days. 4 days. 4 days. 4 days.
    You play in London, London has 4 days.
    Enjoy London.


    Lvl 248 USEast
    Posts: 78

    Uhh.. there is 2 new servers just added. When I joined the oldest server was already over 1 year old. Now I’m one of the top players there. It’s not impossible.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by  Kazul.

    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 157

    You need only 1 month to become one of the top (if not THE top) players in a 1year old server so your argument is stupid the least


    Lvl 64 USWest
    Posts: 15

    Maximuminput… How long have you even been playing? It takes time and some dedication to become a top player for a server (especially old servers like east).

    Tbh this only seems like a lazy, half minded suggestion to help get YOU to the top of a new server’s leaderboards. It was really hard to take this suggestion seriously as there have been 2 servers recently added. The dev is constantly working on new additions and fixes to the game, but I don’t see how we need even more servers at this point in time.

    Here’s my suggestion to you. If you’re that desperate for power and recognition, work for it!

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