New rule plz (Buying Accounts)

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    Lvl 64 USTexas
    Posts: 58

    There’s alot of accounts being bought with irl money on UST. I am asking the dev and players to support the ban of this act. These players account should be reset at the least. Some of the accounts bought ended up causing lots of players not involved to get killed costing them lvls. One account even stole from the tribe vault after new owner took over. I respected your new decision on resetting the players who were caught “abusing” imo the act of buying or selling your account is far worse and affects the whole server. Ty for your support – Peace


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 41

    First I want to say that I do not support buying and selling accounts at all. I also do not support buying or selling materials with real world currency.

    I believe that a person should be able to sell their time in however they see fit. If there’s a market for ML accounts then it’s not a bad thing to fill that market. Additionally, it expands the job market for the new age. Construction, oil drilling, fishing, they’re all cutting more and more people. They also require intense physical labor. Being able to switch from a job that’s physically to a job that’s mentally exhausting can appeal to a lot of people. It’s why gold selling is so popular.

    For this game, it depends if the account belongs to us or to Admin. If it belongs to us then it’s 100% legal. However, if it belongs to Admin and we are just given access to the account (and that access may be revoked at any time) then it’s illegal. This is because you’re attempting to sell something that you do not own. The seller could get in a LOT of legal trouble for this if they do it too much. Admin can too because he isn’t giving any EULA. Essentially the buyer of a single level 0 no RB still in newbie village account for $0.01 can completely fuck this game and shut it down while sueing both the seller and admin. Of course country specific laws apply, but Admin needs to write a set of real rules and a real EULA/TOS. If he doesn’t before he starts accepting Android payments he might lose the entire game.


    Posts: 103

    Imagine if this game was like Entropia.

    Able to exchange in game currency for real money currency. Like the PED in entropia.

    Players renting out land and homes for the in game currenc

    This game would get a ton of attention.


    Posts: 1

    @deadflag bad idea.

    I’d rather not have this game be a micro-transaction facebook game.

    It’s best if we just kept it at supporter diamonds, and not any practical in-game benefits.

    That would impact the balance of the game and have a risk of allowing children with rich parents to run the server.


    Posts: 103

    Yeah true enough.


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    without any means of tracking that someone has sold their account it can cause conflict with the others playing the game, and could possibly cause an entire tribe to become undermined leading either a) multiple people to quit or b) multiple other tribes to attack them, leading multiple people to quit. While I can see how selling an account benefits the person who created the account, it has zero benefit to the rest of us, and as a whole, I feel like it is a detriment to us all in its current form.

    If the selling of accounts is not considered a rule violation then people should be able to approach the admin directly to say hey, I’ve sold my account. Admin could then choose to notify the server via some mechanism (like we have with leveling and IP sharing), and perhaps a cooling off period could be implemented to give the players tribe a chance to remove the player from their rolls and safeguard the sellers items (though, in all honestly, it seems more likely that the tribe would steal their items, so perhaps the items with that persons name could be teleported out into some sort of neutral holding tank…this could also backfire, at which point i just don’t know what to say, people are freaking dishonest lol). A sold account would then have no tribe access, the person who built the account gets to benefit, the person buying the account benefits, and we all get to welcome a new player into the server without a bunch of drama.

    Cend’s point holds a lot of water, though, too, if the Admin were to set up a mechanism for account selling, he could in theory be held somehow culpable for any tax issues that arise. That, coupled with all the work that would have to go into game mods to make the idea friendlier makes me agree that making it a rule violation at this point might be better, with a consideration for building a mechanism to allow for it in the future.


    Lvl 56 SEAsia2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 35
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