Is there a way to get someone banned from the server if they are bullying you?

Home Forums Mystera Discussion Is there a way to get someone banned from the server if they are bullying you?

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    Posts: 6

    There is a user with several accounts who is targeting me.

    We got into an argument on world chat (he believes transgender people are actually mentally ill, I happen to be transgender) and since then has been targeting my base. He has walled in my store so people could not use it while I was away, and spent time wrecking my farming lanes. I left my farm public in order to help newbies.

    I have already blocked ONE of his accounts in chat, but he pops back up on others. He also keeps trying to tell people about “The freemasons and Jewry” which I feel is disgusting. I just want to know if there is a way to report him for bullying if he keeps messing up my farm and store, as well as being transphobic and racist in chat.

    I don’t do fighting and raiding, I am a simple farmer, and it’s just mean what he’s doing. I built in Wellington to avoid interpersonal conflict, raiding, and my base being messed with.


    Lvl 2 London
    Posts: 173

    Sorry to hear about that, BinaryBible 🙁
    Spamming chat with inappropriate content can lead to suspensions – you can send a contact form to us with the name of the user, time/day this occurred, and any screenshots if you have them. The dev is also planning to release his auto moderation system this week, which should help with situations like these since we’re not always able to respond/react as quickly as we’d like. Encouraging others to use /ignore on this person will help for now, because the new system will take that into account 🙂


    Posts: 6

    Yes I know several people have at least one of his accounts ignored. He was on a different one yesterday and messed up my farm.

    Some nicer players were sympathetic and one even helped me restore it (i’ve been very nice since joining, just my nature, it pays to be kind) but it felt like he was targeting me in the game BECAUSE I was ignoring him on chat and didn’t like me.

    I am a neutral player, my /pvp is always off, and I really just farm and sell stuff. I play in Wellington to avoid conflict like that and I think he thinks he’s funny but it took me time and myst to restore my farm. The worst i’ve done is plant random gardens around the town lol

    I took screenshots of how he messed up my farm and walled me in. If he does it again i’ll take more. I’ll also watch for him on chat to see if I can get any more screenshots. The things he says are quite inappropriate.


    Lvl 100 Europe
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 26

    Since infamy system is a joke, I recommend you to get 100 mace and 100 heavy armor skill.


    Posts: 6

    Apparently he wasn’t messing up my farm (I don’t know who was), and he stopped walling me in. He’s still wildly inappropriate in chat though so i’m glad some sort of system will be implemented. I’m not going to bother going further at this point though since there’s going to be a system coming that will help with this.

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