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  • #4979

    Posts: 10

    When will the mystery legacy be available for the iOS? I’d love to be able to play the game on my iPad as well. I try playing it on my iPad by going to the website but I can’t write in chats or do any commands. Please realease on iOS!


    Lvl 85 USTexas
    Posts: 74

    +1 i have many acquaintances who have ios devices (one of whom i live with) and have this same exact problem, i love this game and always recommend and advertise to my friends irl and online via facebook and other social media (even other games). i would love to see this game take off for multiple platforms. I understand ios licenses, policies and what not are not as lenient as android’s play store, but if you guys could make a web browser version for ios that was actually playable, im sure it would greatly benefit the game as a hole by bringing in a bigger community / market both in game and through donations.


    Lvl 169 USTexas
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 32

    I can play via browser on my iPad no problems, I always turn it sideways so I have a bigger picture. Not sure if it makes a difference or not. My biggest problem is the dropping of items when you try to swap while moving

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