Invurneabilty while zone switching

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    Posts: 95

    So, a feature I have been thinking of. What if all players gained a few seconds of grace period when they travel through zones (e.g. Crossroads>Galebrook). This would prevent players from camping between zones and killing newbies. This could also work against NPCs so you dont get killed by lag when going down or up stairs.

    If you do attack someone, your invurneability should end.
    This could tie in with the planned infamy system. So if your infamy is high, this feature is disabled for you.


    Lvl 106 USEast
    Posts: 120

    First and foremost, the game is open pvp.

    If someone is low enough to be killed by a higher player.

    Best thing to do is make a base, train on dummy and uw runs. You can AFK up to around 20 minutes, more or less depending on weapon with a training dummy.

    In no time you can be at their level or higher.

    The game is not as hard as it is made out to be.

    Honestly think there should be a delay going through zones when in PVP. Or maybe block you from the zone, same as a lantern does in uw.

    It’s hard enough to try and kill someone who is zone hopping, healing and such.

    Hard to kill players who muck up the server for the rest of us.


    Posts: 95

    It is why I added the comment about the infamy. If you abuse the system, it becomes disabled for you.

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