Ghost Blade

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    Posts: 181

    Well considering that I’m hovering around UW 50 comfortably after less than a week’s time in the game with a level 40 character (now on its third reincarnation so sub 20 atm), most of that time spent not playing or improving my char, the answer must be that I just far outstrip your own capabilities then.

    The fact I’ve years of experience with similar games, mechanics, and a heavy understanding of game theory, game design and the logistics of something like this doesn’t play into it at all, because that would just be logical, and be something which could be expected of a person who’s aiming for the high difficulty tiers of a nuanced game engine.

    So yeah, you’re just a terrible gamer and I’m excellent. That’s the answer.

    I’m happy with that.

    As you should be happy with the fact that I’m not saying they’re not unbalanced – explicitly the opposite infact – but to say that they are broken, and to call out the devs for apparently not giving it thought, is a bit of an overstatement.

    Just redress your perspective.
    Shift how you approach something,


    Lvl 150 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 36

    So you haven’t fought one.



    Posts: 181

    Nor had I fought a mage before but I still new how to beat them. Nor a creeper, not a green dragon, nor a reaper. I watched what they did. I solved it.

    I had been playing the game a couple of hours before managing to raid one of the top players on EU.

    My actual empiric experience has no grounding on my ability to analyse and advice.
    It’s why I’m specifically not citing what I’m saying as correct but rather suggesting – and I am in fact agreeing that things need to be tweaked, so you’re getting angst-ridden for no reason.

    It just seems you’re being lazy.

    Although speaking of actually playing the game and empiric experience …

    What roles? There is no class system, you mean play with farm animals? Cook Food? Till all the grass in Galebrook?

    That was in reply to my saying it’s possible to level up to dedicate yourself to certain class roles, such as healing and attacking.

    You are aware that you level up stats whilst fighting monsters too right?

    Perhaps up some hunting and weapon skills.

    May help you out mate ^_^


    Lvl 248 USEast
    Posts: 78

    Bro, no matter how good you think you might be. You’re not gonna be able to fight this stuff. When you get to floor 100 let me know. Then I’ll be impressed. Until then you are nothing and your input is nothing since you have zero experience fighting these mobs. Quit trolling and actually give some real feedback.


    Posts: 181

    That was, I thought clearly, sarcasm.
    Read what has been said. Feedback and mitigation suggestions have been provided.

    I can take out a green dragon in my teens. Probably lower if I didn’t level up on my way down. I can kill tentacles and dust devils in late teens. Again probably lower if I’m lucky.
    Do I die?
    Sure. Plenty.

    But I also do manage to kill them. Solo. At a stupidly low level.

    It’s about patience, learning the patterns, and forming groups before descending into what’s meant to be an incredibly dangerous place.

    Again, I’ve agreed that being able to stack debuffs as it does is hugely lethal and should be looked at. That the range of shroomies is ridiculous – although the indicator arrow does help to know which way to go to remove them from the equation first. Again, grind though it may be, they can be killed solo, if you’re brave enough to bring dogs into the UW >_<

    You need to observe, analyze, and hope for good luck. As it is with pretty much every game or activity ever.


    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 87

    lol, haven’t even fought a ghost blade or a mind flayer yet and people level 100+ pro’s are struggling, almost dying, or dead because of these new monsters and @AsylumDreams preaching about it not being bad and he can fight them when he doesn’t have much experience in UW and still a new player is hilarious! xD


    Posts: 181

    Who said I don’t have much exp in the UW?

    I’ve spent most of the time I idle on the server there watching how the mobs move and seeing how they attack. I spend a lot of time digging holes down so people can drop down quicker. I watch what the mobs do when they attack, learn their aggro ranges, their speeds.

    I’ve not given a definitive answer as no, I haven’t faced these yet. But whilst you’re mocking me for not having fought them, you’re also ignoring what I’m saying, which is a mistake as it is still valid.

    Party up. Dedicate tasks. Trust who you play with.

    I’ve been spending my time helping someone gather data for the community, laying up pages for fanzine prototypes, building maps, occasionally playing generically. generally dropping my raid and craft loot about the map as I search for info and test the things that I am definitively saying. Which includes the fact that if someone a fifth of your level can beat something that can kill you in a few hits, I’m pretty sure all you big strong quick to be slighted players can pull something together to deal with a single mob together.

    And this is without going into the fact that I generally work 50 or 60 hour weeks, have a partner, and a few other communities I’m a part of.

    So yes.
    An effective part-timer with what should be comparatively low in-game knowledge and a fraction of your stats is able to deal with things you can’t it seems. Even if it’s just by luring them up some stairs to get them out of the hubbub.

    Spend less time mocking and insulting and more time looking at the game in front of you. I’m an ass when I play games, I’m fine with that, but I at least acknowledge what I know and what I don’t.


    Posts: 22

    @asylumdreams first, you’re the most [Removed by mod] I’ve ever met online. You’re not as brilliant as you think you are, all long term players here know way more about the game mechanics than you do kek.

    Anyone can deal with green dragons and reapers as a “teen” and dust devils and tentacles as “late teens”. What you’re not taking into account, with your vast game knowledge and your absolute superiority over all of us, is that those mobs have balanced skills that each contribute to the effectiveness of large mob groups in UW. Ghost blades and mind flayers, however, do not. All they do is instantly kill you, regardless of skill and “excellent game knowledge”. Nothing you suggested can save you from a mind flayer giving you -300 def and a ghost blade 1 shotting you.

    Organizing uw groups is ridiculous with how the UW is set up currently. How do we determine how to split up? How do we share Myst? Seems like you missed some pretty important points with your genius gaming mind. However, I do think that uw groups should become a thing eventually, but it’s not possible with current mechanics.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by  Kaylovespie. Reason: vulgar personal attack

    Lvl 141 USTexas
    Posts: 14

    What I am really hoping for is new gear and weapons that can hopefully be of some use for these mobs. Also, even if new gear is added we would need more ores or crafting materials… or combinations to craft. However, as it is now, the mind flayer and ghost blade’s disorient both need nerfs for new gear and weapons to even prove useful. It was a good attempt to add excitement and challenge to the uw, but was certainly not given enough thought. For now it’s best to just wait and see what exactly the dev will do to address these issues. ~Rip deep underworld for now~


    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 157

    @asylumdreams a ghost blade just dealt 600dmg to me in 3 secs and i almost died.

    i guess you have like 2k hp so you dont think its broken


    Lvl 95 London
    Posts: 90

    I usually like to post informed responses to the conversation as it evolves, but I simply cant be bothered to read through all these comments… Anyway, on the subject of ghost swords and mind flayers, I do have a thing or 2 to say.

    First off, they are not impossible to deal with. My strat has been to Whirlwind, then run away. Then come back and WW again when it’s off CD. Finally, when either is at abt half hp, you can finish it with a full ability combo and an auto atk or 2. The trick is to not let them hit you.

    That said, these things are ridiculously overpowered. Disorient on GB’s needs to have a cooldown (can be much shorter than the player’s, but it needs to be there) and mind flayers just need less health OR a cap on defense reduction. Either is fine, imo. I enjoy the new level of difficulty these mobs bring to a UW that was starting to feel dull, but they’re seriously becoming a problem. I’m burning through WW3 books and those things are NOT cheap.


    Lvl 59 USEast
    Posts: 52

    I was liking using bow on ghostblades but from about 80ish on us floor lich damage is too much, lag while using bow does seem to trigger the back to back disorent and without shield 1k hp gone in an instant. Had a few back to back to back disorent that resulted in using hr and avoiding the things.

    Derick did a run with me that ended with us in a hall that led to a tiny room where 3 mind flayers spawned. I was hoping more people would be the way to do it but past 100 the spawn rng is brutal if you get a few mind flayers at once, otherwise run felt easy but the second those three spawned he almost insta dies from negative defense and well I did die XD before I could even pop a shell or hr. That damage gets insane so fast with three.

    Cool down on disorent for ghostblades, no negative armor from mind flayers. Those would be nice but they are not uw enders as is, if you are staying on floor 40 mine as well just go farm ice elements in snow peaks for much better myst


    Posts: 181

    Pretty sure that’s exactly what I myself said Fluffles.

    Try reading my posts instead of assuming.
    As for distributing myst and rewards … that’s a player issue not a dev issue.

    Seems like you missed some obvious points with your thirsty need to attack.

    And oh look. Players stating exactly what I have said actually works.

    What a shock that consideration and forethought are able to solve simple problems …


    Posts: 5

    I think the game needs more challenge so dev put out these new mobs,but i think they jumped the difficulty level a little bit high. Whatever we’ll get used to it. No more floor 400 shenanigans for me. Yeah in my own opinion update sucks cuz i do UW 90% of my game time but that’s just me. Peace


    Lvl 106 USEast
    Posts: 120

    Just remember.

    We are all Testers since the game is not full release.

    Everything is subject to change.

    Our feedback on everything helps make the game :).

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