Fishing in Mystera

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    Posts: 1

    Hello, I am Runda and I wanted to make a thread about fishing, I feel like fishing is not really worth doing because of how long it takes to A. Find somewhere where theres fish, and B. How often said location moves.

    Currently there is chance for the spot for there to be lots of fish in a like 1×1 puddle out in the middle of no where that you spend forever looking for. It is crazy that I can walk to a huge lake or river and get next to no fish but that little puddle has a TON of fish… I would LOVE to see that change so like either the good spot is in a bigger area with lots of water so it A. Limits areas it could be, and B. makes sense.

    Another thing would be how often it moves, I don’t know exactly how the mechanics are for it, but as someone who doesn’t have a ton of time to play, it sucks spending 20 minutes to find the spot, then fishing for another 20 or 30 and having to leave and do it all again later. Could that maybe be based on how much said spot is fished? Or just have it there for a lot longer? Can we have bait for bringing fish to us maybe, like making a bait to put into the water for bringing fish?

    Thank you for reading,

    Also, sorry for the poor English, not a first language…


    Posts: 9

    I really like fishing and this idea is pretty good. For first 10-20lvl fishing youre not really getting a lot of fishes, and waiting time is… funny. Once I wait like 2min for fish.
    It would be great if we can craft new bait like… worm+raw meat? It’ll make meat bait?
    I really would like to see fishing being more important than just fish, maybe sometimes a treasure? Like gold?


    Lvl 109 London
    Posts: 70

    I would love it if they introduced alternative forms of tackle. Better reels and rods. Maybe a distance rod that goes a couple squares out. This would be good if larger pools of water contained bigger fish towards the center. Plus I like the idea of different qualities of bait.

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