Feedback from a new player (plus Suggestions)

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  • #2811

    Posts: 3

    Hi guys!

    I wanna make this post so i can give some feedback to the developers. I have a business and
    i know how important it is to have feedback from our “customers”.

    At first impression i found the game awesome, the freedom you have to do whathever you want, to interact with the map and with the resources and etc is just awesome. But nothing is perfect and i wanna make some suggestions, and also open to other players put here their opinion about those suggestions.

    About PVM (Player vs monsters) and map:
    Im my experience, it was a little frustrating to spend a lot of time digging holes so i could go to the underground, is very nice the underground system, but sometimes it gets a little boring, because the cenario changes only a bit, and it seems we are always in the same place. To me, it was missing some “realistic” cenario, i mean, we dont wanna see only the same walls (with different colors, but it is the same…), we wanna see some another stuff there at the dungeon, maybe some rocks, rivers, something that make the map more realistic, not the same square with walls randomly putted, understand? Maybe some structures “made by monsters”, maybe some trash on the floor (goblins arent very clean), know? some rpg content to make the cenario “more realistic”.

    Another thing, the main floor (where the houses are built) could have more stuff, maybe some dungeons outside of the underworld, maybe we could have some montains with monsters on it, maybe we could find a hole giving access to a different dungeon with different monsters, different cenario (not the same underworld cenario), maybe we could go down a swirl on the water and go to a cenario where we could face water monsters, know? or maybe we could walk to a florest and see some elfs, minotaurs, etc… know? just some ideas! Bring more RPG stuff to the game!

    Otherwise the game will be always the same stuff:
    1- get resources to build a base
    2- build base
    3- go hunt at the underworld, and thats it…

    About itens:
    Maybe we could have a Bank System. Something like a bank where we could storage a few itens (maybe 5) and no one can get it.

    About PVP:
    I love pvp games, where you can attack anyone at anywhere, but is important to have a way to balance the power in the game. Another player made a very good suggestion about this topic and the suggestion is: have something like a skull system. If the player kill some number of players (or even destryoed a base) it would get a skull on him that works like a debuff, something like: he could not enter safe areas, or he would lost everything if he died while skulled, something like this…just a way to not let high lv dudes destroy everyones game…

    Anyway, this game is really nice, but it gets a little boring after a while, because it looks all the same. It would be nice to see some changes on those topics i mentioned. Once again, thanks to the developer team for the game content and my best regards!

    Please, othe players could also give their opinion, you guys agree with me? disagree? put your opinion bellow!


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 44

    I can´t really say much about the dungeon topic, I was not all too often in the dungeon, too fresh for that.

    my feedback points deal with entirely different topics, but I’ll just add my 2 cents here, too.

    1) I am missing a feature to move items you built in your own base. placed firepits, beds, anvils and the like.

    2) I heard the following can be expected in some way or other in the next patch, but just in case:
    – some kind of net/rope to capture animals. luring them is – at least for me – hopeless, I have no idea how other people do that. they die on me, no matter how much I try to put the bandages to use.
    – one cheap and quickly deteriorating fence as an alternative so you could fence animals in to get them to the desired area. cheap, like 1 wood or 2 wood at most a piece, fading quickly (say, just as long as few wood pieces burn in a firepit, only a few moments – which would be the reason why they would be so cheap)

    either of the above would be helpful

    3) notification when structures built by you are attacked. (seriously… being on and finding out just by pure luck that someone is attacking the walls of your base while you were not far away gathering ressources for a couple of minutes… I want an “intruder alert” 🙂

    4) please let us craft bycicles.
    just please.

    5) I recently saw guard dogs. I am super interested in a few of those. one player in the chat however said they attack only when you as a person are attacked. would it be possible for them to behave like towers, attacking also when you are not around and someone breaks in? every normal guard dogs knows how to behave. (or else make them look like labradors, then at least no one is suprised 😉

    … to be continued …

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