Discussion: Feather Farming

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    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    I personally have no issues in terms of mechanics with how the collection process of feathers works but does anyone else just never want to do it again after collecting the feathers you need?

    On the UST server there is a dire need of feathers for a majority of players but no one really feels like gathering them to sell, myself included. Perhaps this is laziness but if not a single player wants to gather and sell feathers I feel that this is more a fault of the feather gathering system than it is anything else.

    It is simply not fun. Herding animals with a dog is tedious, difficult and not fun. Feeding chickens worms in a separate area because they won’t lay fertilized eggs if too many other chickens are around is not fun. Collecting hundreds of fertilized eggs over the course of time because constant mob spawns kill your chickens within the first day of hatching them is not fun. Standing around waiting for those chickens to drop feathers occasionally is certainly not fun.

    I even have this area created specifically for farming feathers, devised by Seedvn:

    The two shallow tiles are enough to keep the chickens lower on hunger without the need to till the grass spots giving 3 tiles of space in each pen to drop feathers. Once the chickens are hatched all I have to do is stand around collecting the feathers and even with this amazing setup it still feels like a chore. The biggest issue though like I said earlier is that mob spawning kills them off way before their 3 day life limitation.

    I understand the need to make it somewhat difficult to obtain feathers as arrows should be a valuable commodity however feathers have never really been the issue in creating arrows anyways as it’s usually the cost of wood that is the larger limiting factor for most players.

    Maybe I am alone in this but I just do not enjoy chicken breeding nor the feather collection process in the least. I am sure this thought could easily apply to sheep breeding and shearing as well which is another aspect I do not really find enjoyable.


    Lvl 64 USTexas
    Posts: 58

    I agree I don’t find the feather gathering process enjoyable at all. However using chickens I can torture my self into getting 1k feathers a day. Using altars while I train I usually get 200+ a day and that’s how I usually get feathers because I cant stand playing farmer. There’s is a big desire for feathers tho and no one selling. I honestly don’t understand the need for feathers because as I have said they are easy to obtain but definitely a chore. Maybe there should be some high lvl mobs that drop feathers or just a completely new way of gathering because standing in a pin literally all day kinda sucks!


    Lvl 150 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 36

    I had a farm for a week until everytime I logged all my chickens were dead. Silly that in a “farm” closed off to everything mobs ALWAYS spawn. 0/10 for exectuion


    Posts: 20

    Perhaps the solution here then is an item that prohibits (hostile?) mobs spawning in a radius around it.
    A scarecrow of sorts.


    Lvl 64 USTexas
    Posts: 58

    I love the scarecrow idea very nice.


    Posts: 20

    Add gear to a training dummy.

    Perhaps a mob could animate them and Chaos’ could have friends :p


    Posts: 2

    In my opinion you dont need too many feathers if you design your base well. From what I’ve noticed Texas has oversized bases which I can understand would be hard to maintain.

    Its not impossible to get over 30k arrows a day. Quite doable. And I can’t see there ever being a realistic scenario where you would go through that many, unless you are grinding archery like a madman.


    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    I don’t have an issue getting feathers, what I’m saying is the process itself is boring and difficult to setup so I personally am not interested in gathering more feathers than I need for myself and most any other player who gathers them feels the same way and thus there is no feather trade for players who either do not have access to fertilized eggs or chickens or lack the necessary base requirements.

    It’s a fairly basic principle, if there are too many tedious activities (flint cost in repairing, feather gathering/wool shearing, animal breeding, etc.) players will tend towards limiting their exposure to those activities as much as possible.


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    It IS tedious, which is why I’ve always found it helpful to add other features to the area, like training dummies, or digging clay, or we have a user who does his knitting while watching the chickens. It IS tedious, even though the payoff is good, I think some of us that feel compelled to pick things up off the ground (….we are a clan of hoarders) find it slightly exciting but it’s not for everyone.

    scarecrows would be awesome, even with like a high decay rate or something, or maybe being able to put a dog in the farm to prevent something from spawning (not with the expectation that the dog would fight the mob but rather that the mob just wouldn’t show up. though being able to put a dog on guard (which has been proposed before by others) would be super helpful too. It would encourage people to train their dogs up towards being useful while offline. )


    Lvl 109 London
    Posts: 70

    I love scarecrow idea but it could be potentially very disruptive to overall Galebrook without proper restrictions and limitations. Lets figure this out.

    1. Its got to only work in enclosed spaces.
    2. It has to have a fast decay rate.
    3. ???

    What other restrictions would need to be in place?


    Posts: 20

    Few possibilities

    Scarecrow = dummy with gear so could still be trained on to deteriorate.
    Better gear = better chance to stop a spawn.
    Adding a mob that could bring it to life means making it too good becomes an issue.

    Scarecrow = separate item. Impacts a 5×5 to 9×9 radius based on dev choice / materials used for crafting. Each time it stops a spawn it takes a hit of damage alongside normal decay.

    Scarecrows can be named and take the current skin of actual players on the server – tempting others to attack them whilst they’re apparently AFKing during a raid or to act as a deterrent for such. They cannot be placed on items though.

    Mobs get reclassified – land mobs cannot spawn within 3 – 5 spaces of a wall. This allows large enough farms and helps to depopulate mobs spawning in towns. Bird mobs however can spawn or traverse walls.


    Posts: 103

    How about we can have pets we can train that gain levels. We can set them to a “guard” mode within a closed area.


    Lvl 99 USEast2
    Posts: 10

    Agree with deadflag. Killing npcs has a small percent of getting it as a pet.
    Acquiring the pet would make it a different color to see the difference between regular npcs and yours. Also beimg able to change its name.
    Maybe even adding different abities stats for each pet. Some give boosts to skillimg some to comabt

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