Daily quest system not so effective for acenders

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    Posts: 4

    The daily quest in which we have to level up once a day is proveing to be very difficult to keep up some time after level 60 for acenders . It would be better i think if it was based on exp or something else which acenders can keep up rather than levels . Plz share ur suggestions or correct me if i am misleaded


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 166

    Imo ascenders are compensated by not resetting their myst constantly allowing them to acquire and keep higher levels of scholar. The daily xp bonus seems like an intentional balance choice for new players and reinc’ers to me since they’re at a comparative disadvantage.


    Lvl 95 London
    Posts: 90

    I have to agree with Seryn here. The daily quest system was always intended to give low levels and reincers a slight edge in xp gain because they tend to have very little myst at any given time. It’s a system that ascenders aren’t meant to use and is given up when you make the decision to ascend.


    Posts: 4

    Thank yall for the clarification

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