Community Hit List through Voting

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    Polar Bear
    Posts: 39

    Although a bounty system have been suggested and talked about on Discord, I’d still like to suggest something similar but against griefers. How about a command that can enable players to vote for a hit list that expires when player has been killed? Some ideas for the list are as follows:

    *killers don’t gain infamy if they murder someone on the list
    *names can be lifted from the list by another vote (players can retract their vote i guess?)
    *players of the same IP counts as 1 vote (ah this can be flawed tho by using VPNs ;_; )
    *leaderboards (for bounty hunters!!awyis)
    *another command that can check who are on the list

    That’s all for now~


    Posts: 65

    This is still kinda tied to the infamy system IMO. I would mention this on the infamy thread when it reopens that has been kinda centralized.

    Honestly though I’m all for it, and if you want to avoid excessive abuse a simple level requirement of 20 (that anyone could acquire in little time) have been acquired at any point on the character.


    Posts: 95

    This could end up being abused though, but is a good idea.


    Posts: 68

    Its an interesting idea but can easily be used too punish people who havnt really done that bad of a thing to get on the list. Also whats wrong in one persons eyes to get on said list may not be wrong to another. also to get off all youd need is a large enough tribe to majority vote always keep them on


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 39

    Hmmmm yeah I guess it is easy to abuse even with voting percentage limits. People can just make alts or new guilds and pretend to be someone else. orz

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