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  • #4329

    Posts: 2

    So I was walking around Galebrook and I seen some really greedy people who just take up the entire map with their base, house whatever you want to call em, and I just thought it would be great if the GM would implement a limit on the amount of blocks players can build. Maybe something like buying lots from a realtor and give others a chance to build a house I mean its ridiculous the size of some houses.


    Posts: 65

    I think you have to take account of how many people living in the base. In my tribe we are starting up recruiting, but wanted space for new recruits when they joined.
    This required us to Make 4 separate sections in our base. Elder living quarters, elder vault, member living quarters, and member vault. This took quite a bit of space to build, including chicken farm, and standard farm. We had to gather the mats to build each of these sections, so it limited us in a way, but to force limitations on people would go against the spirit of the game.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen 100×30 or so areas…with nothing inside, so a player could just “claim” the area, which is obnoxious, but not all players do that, and some need the space, especially when building on a tribe level.


    Lvl 79 USWest
    Posts: 104

    this would hinder some people but there are people that would just make alts and build as big as they like


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 166

    To me this is something to be handled internally by server communities.

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