Best skill reinc?

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  • #8231

    Posts: 4

    Hi as the title mentions it ,my question is, for the first skill is recomendable to go up first?


    Lvl 19 USTexas
    Posts: 58

    I personally recommend explore, because of how hard it is to get up, so that way you at least have one blue in it, but that’s just my opinion, other ones that I would recommend are weapons skills (whichever you prefer) and armor/shield block skills, or if your more of a farmer type then get up farming and such. Its whatever skills that suit your play style that you should probably get up first.


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    I’d second the vote for explore, and then maybe cooking or foraging. Exploration helps you move quickly, which may help in travelling to gather supplies in the future; foraging will help you gather herbs for cooking, and cooking will allow you to make food that boosts xp gain which in turn will help you get stars in other skills later. They’re definitely more of a “skiller” set of stars to have, and not really combat, but you’ll gain combat as you go regardless, and being able to move fast and cook good food are definitely helpful


    Posts: 4

    Ty vm


    Lvl 270 USTexas
    Posts: 15

    I’m no expert, but my suggestion would be hunting first … Specially since you don’t know which wepon type u will like the most … and for me the hardest part when starting was gathering myst… the faster u kill stuff, the faster u get more myst…Maybe a good start, then I would do explore, another 2 or 3 … The faster you move the faster you can kill the next mob or run away from some players… Then the wep of your choice, shield block and armor of your choice …


    Lvl 47 USEast2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 33

    Hunting first to make the early levels much easier and faster. Followed by mining, crafting, assassin, or weapon skills depending what you plan on doing.

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