Animals/Animal Spawns

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    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    So since Newbie Village has been taken out of the equation is there going to be a change in how animals spawns work? Currently there’s a severe shortage of farm animals out in the world because the system apparently works on a first come first serve basis at which point other players have to rely on the livestock owners to go and cull their animals in regular intervals as well as praying to RNGesus that the newly created spawns will actually appear in/near their home.

    If you take a look at the about page and scroll down it tells the reader that you can “Plant seeds and breed animals!” but I feel like many players have yet to experience any sort of livestock cultivation at all.

    If anything, I’m mostly curious as to the reasoning behind why the animal spawns are limited and why you would hinder access to a majority of players to what appears to me to be an essential part of the game’s mechanics in order to progress.


    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    Alright so just create alt characters to continue farming feathers, wool and wood in Newbie Village. Sounds good.


    Lvl 2 London
    Posts: 173

    Hi Kaios!
    It’s fine to use newbie village to obtain resources for now. Admin has been on the test server adjusting some things with breeding, population, and newbie village spawns for a few days, so things may change when he finishes that patch. Thanks for your input!


    Lvl 95 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 40

    I just want you to know this problem is 100% player made. If people didn’t cage every animal they found there would be plenty living in the wilderness for everyone.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 49

    RobinHood, let me put this upside-down, it will still make sense. If there were plenty animals living in the wilderness, people would not cage every one they found. 😉


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 39

    Caging animals in farms is mostly for convenience’s sake. It would be too time consuming to run around galebrook looking for animals even if they are all available in the wild.

    Shared farms among neighbors could have been a work around before the new patch. Now that it’s easier to control farm population with fertile eggs and the feeding mechanic, let’s hope no one hoggs all the animals in an area… if that is even possible. XD

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