1.12.17 patch discussion

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    Lvl 402 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 40

    Sadly it looks like getting my name changed caused my post to disappear when I submitted it, so I will try to get most of what I just typed.
    This is an open thread for comments and discussion of the new patch. I will update as I play the game and think of it. Feel free to add any thoughts you have on the patch. Initially we noticed that the weight limit takes getting used to, as minerals weigh 8 and cooked meat weighs 4, quickly adding up to the 2000 weight limit. It looks like there is a flat movespeed reduction for being overweight (Seryn tested at over 250,000 weight). I still need to test it more, but that seems a bit low if you want to go out and gather much.
    I’m enjoying the UI changes. It looks nice and the interface is much better (like sorting skills and the new character pane are much appreciated improvements). Before I had a hard time playing on my phone. I will update when I get a chance to, but it already looks like ML will be more playable with the UI changes. Also I like the new color layout.
    “I’ll be adding more chat features in the future” I like being able to drag chat with left click, but you can no longer scroll or copy/past text from the chant pane and you can’t tell if text in the chat bar is highlighted (ctrl+a or shift+home). Are those things that are getting changed later? Personally I think it’s easier to read/type with the chat bar on the bottom and hp/hunger/exp bars at the top. Does anyone else have thoughts on that? Maybe I need to spend more time getting used to it.
    I’ll post more later.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by  TheFurious.

    Lvl 2 London
    Posts: 173

    Great post!
    The current weight limit is just for testing right now. You’ll be able to upgrade it later on 🙂
    Not sure about the copy paste stuff with the chat pane, but I do know that the chat bar was moved to the top so phone keyboards won’t cover it when they pop up ^_^


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 166

    I was also curious about the weight-based inventory system.

    I basically play this game to mine; at present the temporary 2,000 weight limit has me overburdened after mining 3-4 rocks and a full trip could hit 30,000 weight, with longer trips weighing 45,000-60,000 or more (estimates based on between 50 and 100 rocks).

    I know this is an early application of a new mechanic and everything will be in process for a little while, that’s no problem at all. I just had two questions.

    Short term: When do we think I may be able to go on mining trips again? A few days?

    Long term: Will mining trips weighing 60,000 to 90,000 be possible anymore, or will a reasonably reachable weight limit be substantially lower than that?

    Also good luck working out the new patch and everything, I’m keen to see what comes of it. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by  Seryn.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by  Seryn.

    Lvl 2 London
    Posts: 173

    Hi Seryn! Thanks for the feedback and testing 🙂

    I don’t think we can answer specifics about weight until more testing is done.. but JVH will definitely be making adjustments after a little more data comes in (probably within the next few days). It’s better for us to start with a lower amount and increase it, than to start with a high amount and have to decrease it. Thanks for your patience! ^_^


    Posts: 2

    Plant alternative accounts in small bases throughout the desert and bring stones only to their own base. Collect every other day. Alternatively, have bots bring the collected stone to the main base. Hire Mr. ignis to protect the caravan.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 46

    eeeeeeeyyyyyyy im still remebered!


    Posts: 69

    Game still needs minimap with “fog of war” system. I think bottom left corner is best for it. Just add button to switch with control cross.


    Lvl 402 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 40

    I haven’t gotten to the longer write up I wanted to do (discussing specific item weights, the weight cap and thoughts on how upgrade scaling could work, also some questions like if there would be infinite upgrades to the weight limit. I have heard a lot of people who are upset with the initial weight changes, some of which is understandable with the amount of time they have invested in ML. I wanted to clear it up or discuss it if some of these things are still undecided and maybe get more people involved on the forums while continuing to keep things civil), so I will do that in a different thread. For now I have a few smaller suggestions and comments:

    Chat could be color coded for different channels (all the text you type is orange for /tc or purple for /t), so you can more easily see which channel it is going to.
    The character, and maybe skill, pane could use a hotkey to open and different hotkey to close all panes, like x or e to open and escape to close.
    The different inventory pages could use hotkeys to cycle between them. I think mouse scroll wheel up and down when hovering over the window would work well, maybe shift + the page number if that’s harder to implement.
    Also # hotkeys to use inventory items only use items from the first page regardless of which page you are currently on.

    Unless I missed something currently the only way to move items between different pages is to fill previous pages up. This doesn’t seem as important, but it would be nice be able to pick items up from the ground into the current page and maybe to select an item on a a page and a button/hotkey to swap it with an item on a different page.

    I think the build pane turned out quite well. It’s nice to be able to see your inventory (resources remaining) along with selecting what to build. I also like that it remembers the page you were on and is easy to toggle with B.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by  TheFurious.

    Posts: 69

    I think weight of food and Aloe is too much. Also now going to UW with bow and arrow is pointless, because for long run you need more then 1k arrows. But they too massive.
    Oh i dont know this is bug or what, but i think timer of stack is not updated with new added items. My meat stack always become OLD while i pickup new meat.

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