A fox now steals your food. I dozed off while trying to read my suggestion list, then this came to me in a dream.

The fox has also stolen tomorrow’s patch, which is great because I needed a break. Don’t worry though, I’m pretty sure I’ve got a few more updates in me 😈


The glasteel hammer now does extra damage to orc beacons, and blocked beacons may decay faster. Also when attacking a beacon your glasteel hammer doesn’t lose any durability. It actually restores it. How does orc glass work? It’s a mystery.


Have you ever been dashing along, slaying your enemies, and then suddenly lost an ability at the most inopportune time? No one wants to study in the midst of battle, so now instead of instantly forgetting an ability it will give you a half hour warning that you need to study it soon because it will be lost. Just don’t forget. Now let’s hope I remember to do another update.


How many times was it your turn to take out the trash and you accidentally dumped your buddy’s armor or a pile of gold in the bin? We’ve all been there. Now the garbage bin will try to warn you before anything valuable is trashed. Look forward to more trash updates.