The Chicken's Breeding Act

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    Posts: 64

    Fellow Mysterians!

    Gather around, so we, as a community, could decide on a topic of Chicken’s Breeding Limitations.

    As many of you know, there is a limited number of chicken God sends to Mystera every day.
    That means, that more chicken kept inside chicken coops, less chickens there is in a wild.

    Fellow mysterian Vusal (with the support of other players) made a statement, that because of some mysterians have huge chicken coops with lot’s of chickens inside, he is not able to find chickens on his own.
    He stated that it is not honest. He reminded us, that same situation was in the era of FL tyranny. Someone suggested him to take power in his hands and break this coop, but fellow Vusal wants it to be resolved by the the law of community.

    Knowing this, we should discuss the possible options for Chicken’s Breeding Act:
    1) Chicken coops are prohibited in Mystera. All chickens belongs to the wild nature. Any coop you can find is illegal.
    2) Chickens coops are allowed but only with 1 trapped chicken inside the gates. Predators should be provided. If anything else, mysterian is allowed to destroy the coop.
    3) We should pray to Goddeveloper not to limit the chickens in our world.
    4) Your opinion!



    Posts: 64

    Увожаемые Мистерианцы!

    Мы собрались здесь сегодня, как развитое сообщество с целью принять решение об ограничениях в разведении курочек.

    Многие из вас знают, что Господь суров и посылает только ограниченное количество кур в наш мир.

    Это означает, что чем больше куриц находится внутри курятников, тем меньше кур встречается в дикой природе.

    Наш собрат Vusal (вместе с поддержавшими его игроками) поднял на всеобщее обозрение свою озабоченность проблемой того, что у нескольких игроков есть довольно большие курятники. По этой причине он вынужден колесить по всему миру не в состоянии найти диких кур.

    Vusal заявил, что такая ситуация не является честной. Он также напомнил нам, что во время тирании Фростов была точно такая же проблема. Ему предложили разрушать такие курятники гиганты, но он не хочет хаоса и предлагает прийти к общему консенсусу.

    Теперь мы, как сообщество, должны обсудить возможные варианты Закона по разведению цыплят:
    1) Курятники запрещены в Мистере. Все куры принадлежат дикой природе. Любой курятник является незаконным и может быть разрушен.
    2) Курятники допускаются, но только с 1 курицей наседкой в курятнике. В курятнике должны быть обеспечены хищники, чтобы не копились новые куры. В противном случае курятник может быть разрушен
    3) Мы молимся, чтобы б-гразработчик не ограничивал количество цыплят в нашем мире.
    4) Ваше мнение!



    Polar Bear
    Posts: 46

    barn, we will do as we wish.
    of course i can assasinate everyone with a chicken coop. one gold each.


    Posts: 13

    ASHH!! go back to your room this instant! you are grounded!

    Chicken coops are not very useful except for decoration.


    Lvl 95 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 40

    I’ve always been against chicken coops, preferring the free range variety myself. I would certainly vote to dismantle and prohibit the use of coops.

    I actually think you can collect more feathers in a shorter span of time by hunting wild chickens, IF, there are zero coops. Lets break down how the coop actually works. You have 2, 3, 4, whatever amount of chickens that never die inside of 10+ coops worldwide. That alone makes the chicken spawns slow to a crawl. You may only manage to collect 20 feathers a day per coop. However, with all wild chickens, you can easily find 20 feathers just walking to and from your neighbor’s house across the map.

    So all we’ve really done is choked the chicken for the sake of convenience. Just so we don’t have to leave the safety of our homes. What a sick and disgusting act. No more I say!


    Posts: 1

    Я За 1 и 2 и 3 ))))))))))))))


    Posts: 3

    Я За 1 и 2 и 3 ))))))))))))))


    Posts: 64

    Me personally for number 2 – if anyone want a personal chicken he might have one (like a penguin), but not more and you should care about it. Otherwise – coop destruction.


    Posts: 119

    I want to make the point that forbidding keeping chicken is unreasonable. All it takes is someone with a large enough area to secretly keep chicken secretly. This could prompt lying. Lying is bad. So the option I vouch for is

    4.a) Don’t formalize any option. If someboody has chickens and somebody else wants to free them, then the latter will do that.

    I think that we don’t want anything that resembles a law. It would set too many expectations. You want free-range chicken? Test the waters in /b (optionally), ask someone else (optionally), and free those chicken.

    Also, this law seems very hard to enforce against anyone that owns an area large enough.


    Posts: 17

    The chicken farm was a contraption devised to passively farm meat and feathers whilst the player could be doing other activities IRL or in-game. I, personally, am an owner of a 4 chicken coop, which produces around 50 feathers and around 100 meat per around 7 hours. I agree with Robin that, in the perfect world, where there exist no chicken farms, you could’ve gotten the same amount of resources hunting chickens in around half an hour of active play.

    Though, what if told you, that different strokes were for different folks? What if there existed a polarity on the player axis known as Casual versus Hardcore?

    As I see it, chicken coops/farms are an invention born in people who exist more on the casual side of the spectrum. The following question then would be: should all casuals be punished for finding a working solution to a problem?

    The answer to this question, in my mind, will depend on whether the one answering himself is a more casual or a more hardcore player; therefore, to make a unanimous decision, to inaugurate an act, in other words, a law, as Rin put it, is virtually impossible.

    I suggest, that there be no act. We can’t even smelt fucking iron ore, the closest thing to anybody being able to have enforced such restrictions would had been the Frost Legion with their OP stats, which are unreachable today.

    What we do is solve this problem like the tribal species we are – locally, individually. A fluid and never-ending battle for resources.

    *mic drop*

    I’ll be here all week, folks.


    Posts: 99

    I agree with anpuk so far as: if you want to enact policy, be prepared to enforce it. Legislation owes its legitimacy to how practical it is to hold standard, which is why the court dealio made no sense without Legion enforce it.

    Tldr, you don’t want coops, break em/negotiate them away


    Lvl 95 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 40

    You heard em’. You want chickens? Go take them from someone weaker than you. I think the russian mob will be fine to brute force them from whoever they like, as long as there isn’t a Merry Men tag.


    Posts: 99

    Lol robin, don’t be a dweeb. I can agree with you and you still have pms issues


    Posts: 64

    I think that we don’t want anything that resembles a law. It would set too many expectations. You want free-range chicken? Test the waters in /b (optionally), ask someone else (optionally), and free those chicken.

    Tldr, you don’t want coops, break em/negotiate them away

    Basically, it was what needed to be said out loud to become normal in the community and not cause any drama. Of course, there is no government to enforce the law, but we all know that building roads is good, blocking them is bad, killing new players is meh and, from now on,

    If all say “yes”, than “yay”, if no, then hey…


    Posts: 64

    Гайз, тут все поговорили и решили, что не нужны никому никакие законы, но все согласились что будет вполне приемлимо разрушить чужой курятник, если не находишь кур для себя. Примерно также, как разрушить стену посреди дороги.

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