Dev: Give us a real PVE/PVP flag

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  • #8269

    Posts: 96

    Dev, let this game freely compete with real ones out there.

    Give us a real PVP/PVE flag that deserves its name

    Not a flag that just decides who i can hit – but one that decides who can hit me because this is no one else’s business but mine.

    I had a more elaborate version of this but cannot find it…maybe deleted it by mistake, so here you go – the short version)


    further reading:


    Suggestion: pve and pvp


    US E2 Server arena


    Lvl 17 USWest
    Posts: 131

    Absolutely NO!
    its worst idea ever… if u want to be pve play pve games.
    There are too many trolls and morons. u got wellington if u dont like pvp, what else u need? maybe ask dev to make this game classic clicker? -.-


    Posts: 96

    dude, I am sorry to inform you that this game has both pve and pvp elements.

    to give both a balance, and to enable this game to develop (including financially) requires work on the code as we see right now.

    i am sure I am not the only one who would not support this game before I am entitled to what is mine: the very mine decision when I decide to risk my stats, levels, traits and items in a digital pub brawl – and when not.

    this game is warred over by the two enemy factions pve and pvp.
    how about we give this fight finally a balance.

    so afraid of that? imagine you would have to show some phantasy, some ideas… to challenge someone in an arena fight. and that you would also have to show some kind of honor in that by fighting on own level – instead of just cowardly pk-ing lv 5 noobs. what is the worth of a noob-pk-exp? I think it is pretty cheap.

    pretty cheap.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 26

    “i am sure I am not the only one who would not support this game before I am entitled to what is mine: the very mine decision when I decide to risk my stats, levels, traits and items in a digital pub brawl – and when not.”

    Alright, airhead.

    There is Galebrook, a PvP map and there is Wellington, the PvE map.

    You choose to go to Galebrook, you will risk your stats, levels etc, but stay in Wellington and you’ll be safe.

    Just go to fucking Wellington.

    PK’ing level 5 noobs, huh. Evidence?


    Posts: 96

    Let’s see about this evidence, maybe someone from your server whom you pk’ed cowardly by ambushing them while they were walking their doggos (and as such were pve flagged) – maybe such a person will show up here.

    A PVE/PVP flag already exists, all it needs is being comparable to other games, where a PVE/PVP flag means what it’s supposed to mean.

    What are you guys so afraid of? That cannon fodder for your assassin sklling might run out? ever wondered why there is a Chaos in the game?
    Capture one, trap it nicely, feed it and you will get more assassin skill in a more valuable manner than pking 50 noobs – of which a not necessarily tiny percentage might be first accounts of players who were just starting to discover the game. Players who later might have wanted to support it but who thanks to your uh skillfullness are off to support a competitor on the market.


    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 157

    The pve flag that you suggest, would allow unpunished griefing/trolling/stealing.

    It is a really bad idea, and I dont know why you keep spamming it in every forum thread.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 26

    Airhead, where’s the evidence of me Murdering a Lvl 5?

    Dogs aren’t even relevant to the matter, stay on topic.

    All you do is spout bullshit.

    “A PVE/PVP flag already exists, all it needs is being comparable to other games”
    Which games are you referring to?



    Posts: 96

    Wrong and wrong, thanks for your contributions but sit down please, that was an f for now.


    Because you first ask questions if there is something not clear.

    You don’t do that, Petros, because your goal is not to check how it could work but to claim it doesn’t – part of the warring over by two factions as expected but not an extremely well done step for your part.

    No, it would not.
    Why do you think pvp/pve flags exist in other games without them being just abused and posing as bad bad game killers?

    All that is needed is a careful thinking over the game mechanics.
    you grief/pk/raid then you attempted a pvp so you have yourself pvp flagged. you cannot flag yourself back to pve so easily. not like right now with infamy where dudes just park themself in crossroads and swing a weapon for a bit. Everyone who either starts a raid or joins a defense against one… is then automatically flagged.
    And stays pvp then for a while.

    How long for what action exactly – these would be interesting details to think over.


    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 157

    You reply just made it clear to me that you have very limited experience with the game mechanics. Because of this, it would be a waste of time to argue with you since you wouldnt listen anyway.

    Only one thing is sure: there will never be the kind of pve flag you spam on forums, or any flag at all.


    Lvl 17 USWest
    Posts: 131

    Okapi never seen biggest bullshit than this, make trolls unkillable cuz u cant fight with bullies. pathetic.


    Posts: 96

    words writen by the above: some

    actual arguments offered: none.

    guess that solves the case so far.

    waiting for people to show up who have experience with other games too, catch my drift and are willing to get into details. what times would you set as flag time…for what actions?


    Lvl 74 London
    Posts: 9

    Alright. You’re talking about other games. But tell me what’s the point of having exactly the same functionality in every game you encounter. If you want a pvp free game choose another one. This one is a Sandbox where raid and pk’ing is part of the game. Accept it.


    Posts: 96

    Honestly, I find DysFigured’s latest reply in the PVE server suggestion thread fitting to your post above. (Page 2 there, take a look.)

    This is not about eliminating pvp and you guys perfectly well know this.

    I do not believe for a second that any of you stand behind your own fight as worded. You do know that this game is not pvp only and you do actually know from game experience and observation that the game balancig asks for polishing.

    What you do not like is a change because you got used to those easy kills. Because “this is just a game”, because “stop being a crybaby” because “so much salt” and and and. The language style of typical griefers in the chat is revealing.

    You guys could actually use a gameplay development that would make you work on your levels and skill efforts a bit more. And open fighting to fair play, to possible interesting show fights. Actually interesting stuff, if only you could stop being so afraid of it.


    Lvl 200 USEast2
    Posts: 94

    Horrible idea. Game works best for both PvE players and PvP players when the server has both.

    And before Okapi starts attacking me as well like he does most people here, I am not a PvP player but a famously peaceful knitter.


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    What are you guys so afraid of? That cannon fodder for your assassin sklling might run out?

    … griefers, I’m afraid of griefers.

    With exceedingly rare exceptions I do not PVP. I don’t like being PVPd, but I accept that the moment I step out of my base someone *might* kill me and that that same person might do so again and again. Levels and items are replaceable, and if I were getting constantly harassed via PVP (generally because of something I did, seriously) to the extent that the entire server or large portions of it wanted me gone, I would just start over. In general, though, I am irritated far, far more by griefers than getting killed and a PVE server does not solve this at all. In order for a PVe server to solve for this, nobody would ever be able to go within range of anyone else’s house, or items or make roads or walls. We’re talking an entire world of wellington but without having to spend myst? No thanks. Wellington is sufficient for this, and it STILL gets griefed.

    The world does not turn around me. The game is PVP, I knew that coming in, if I couldn’t deal with it I would have left and gone back to a less stressful game.

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