Dev: Give us a real PVE/PVP flag

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  • #8374

    Posts: 4

    OK, I am a newb to this game, but not to gaming in general so I am going to weigh in here. The PVP flag you are talking about allows trolls to do whatever they want without any repercussions. Unless every action you make flags you for pvp for a few days, it doesn’t work. I have had problems with someone digging the pond outside my door to the point where it almost dissapeared. Should digging flag you? Building? Killing mobs? If it isn’t, trolls will grief you, and you can do nothing about it. Do we want to get to the point where everything has to be behind walls? All gardens, rivers, rocks, trees, animal spawns? There will be nothing left for anyone new, and the game will die.

    I’d like to go on about the good old days back in Tibia, but I’m too drunk now to form rational sentences, so I’ll quit while I’m ahead…


    Posts: 96

    Skazz, if you have, as you say, experience with other games, then there is a chance you played say World of Warcraft on a PVE server?
    People can level their characters, farm where and what they want without having to deal with ganking on top of mobs they encounter.
    They can manually set their flag to pvp however and do a duel if they feel so. Or join a group about to raid an enemy faction city. Or join that city’s defense forces.
    And of course – every PVP action triggers a pvp flag response. And then they stay flagged for a while.

    A flag here could work just like this.
    Actual pvp actions of formerly pve flagged players trigger a pvp flag response.

    If someone trolls you with npn-pvp-actions like building walls or digging… then you have to see how to get rid of those walls and digged spots. The ability to pk them for a built wall tile won’t solve the problem for you then – the pk’ed player might after the pk happily go on build further walls to annoy you.

    I don’t see the problem here.


    Lvl 200 USEast2
    Posts: 94

    So your solution to people griefing with walls and undigging ponds is to just deal with it?

    Sure. Seems like great fun.

    The ability to kill them prevents most players from doing such things and teaches to some that their actions have consequences.


    Posts: 96

    now look what we got here.

    “deal with it” is what people regularly hear when you guys train your pk skills on newbies (of which btw many then indeed quit playing the game – that guys and girls could have decided to cosponsor this game later. gone.)

    and suddenly “deal with it” is somehow a problem?

    but actually i did not even state that.

    i said that pk-ing is not the solution. someone devoted to annoy you will get back to place next wall, no matter what. you being able to pk for a wall does not change that

    and that is one of my points – you guys use pk for lazy and cheap training (lv 50 vs lv 5) and you use it for very lazy “solution” finding as if there were no alternatives.
    ever thought about pm-ing the guy, ask them what this is about? when you have confirmation that there is really no discussion possible and dude just annoyingly annoying, then you still can think of further actions – and those are dozens and dozens. there are many ways to make it harder for a griefer to grief. pk is not one of them. pk is just… killing this game’s financial potential, if you ask me.


    Lvl 56 SEAsia2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 35

    i didnt want to answer one of your troll-retarded posts but im tired of u calling pkers killing lvls 5 training.low lvls dont give any assassin xp at all.and u cant compare WoW to a game like mystera


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    you guys use pk for lazy and cheap training (lv 50 vs lv 5) and you use it for very lazy “solution”

    “you guys”?? you have taken every responder and lumped them into the same person. I begin to feel like that to you everyone who disagrees with this thread wants to kill level 5s… yet you’ve heard from various people who DONT want to kill level 5s who also want pvp. Diplomacy is *always* the first answer to issues but apparently you have not seen this fail enough to understand that sometimes running someone off the server entirely is the answer. And yes, they come back, and yes, they grief more, and eventually…they go away – they always do, because they cannot live in a hostile environment in which they are not welcomed by anyone and cannot get ahead. Stop lumping everyone in with the people that you do not like, and start actually reading, accept that many, many players are content with the systems in place in the game that they chose to start playing. I don’t go on Farmville forums and start posting about how it would be really great if we could just kill people, and then every time someone says “no, I think it would be best if we did not have that option” tell them that they are somehow lesser for not wanting to kill others. Its the same thing in reverse here, you are playing a game that does X and you want it to be Y, and anyone who doesn’t want Y is a jerk. That’s the takeaway, and I think I need to stop even reading these.


    Posts: 96

    I do not “lump” them as individuals for arrogance reasons or what ever your idea here is.

    I do call parties out.

    Of course there is a warring over this game led by – on one hand people conventiently used to lazy pk and pvp-ing wihtout any boundaries which quite logically in most cases leads then to combinations with bullying, harassing and threats.

    As happens, as experiemced by many players who are more interested in the pve aspects of this game and land on pk’ers target lists, often by the way just for this one fact – for prefering pvp.

    Yes, this here is an ongoing fight between these two parties. “You guys” refers to just that.

    And yes, it would be good to find a solution for this.

    May this be an own pve server.
    May this be a real pvp/pve flag itself
    or dedicated pve hours on all servers instead – you guys should start opening up for one of the suggested ideas cause the state of the code right now shouts for a correction. Financially, “atmospherically”, and for a couple further reasons too.

    We go a number of steps into your direction, guys.

    If you don’t stop just shouting “nah nah nah NA NAH NONONONO” without any sign of comprimise ability you make your statements weigh not exactly much, but that’s maybe just me right?


    Lvl 200 USEast2
    Posts: 94

    Because many of “us guys” (which also includes people who never pvp, like me) realise that splitting the two up would not be good for the game. So we disagree with the basic premise that

    The appeal for me and for many others, I assume, is the sandbox aspect with the PvX servers in this game. If you would have the servers split or implement something so stupid as a ‘flag’ for pvp, then that delicate balance that so many of us (=people who do pve, pvp and those who do both) love, is likely to be destroyed.


    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 157

    Okapi, on behalf of the ML community, I would like to thank you for suggesting all these ideas.
    They seem interesting and fun. I assure you that even when (if?) you quit playing this game, your ideas and mostly the iconic ” PVE/PVP flag that deserves its name” will live on forever…

    … in the meme channels.


    Lvl 56 SEAsia2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 35

    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Okapi’s posts. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of game design most of the suggestions will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Okapi’s out of the box rationalizations, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from EA and Ubisoft’s games, for instance. The forum users understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these sugestions, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Okapi truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Okapi’s existential catchphrase “PvE server,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Blizzard’s epic game design choices. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Okapi’s genius wit unfolds itself on their monitor screens. What fools.. how I pity them. :joy: And yes, by the way, i DO have a Okapi tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of Okapi’s (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid :sunglasses:


    Posts: 4


    I have played WoW on a PVE server, for around 6 or 7 years. I also played Tibia for about 5 years, which was full time PVP all the time with no flags, and getting killed meant you lost a few months worth of levels and skills (at least it was when I played). Both types of games can be fun… some people prefer one, some the other. I like both.

    The problem is, there are thousands of carebear themepark games like WoW. There are almost no old school games like Ultima Online, Tibia, or Mystera. I have been looking for a game like this for a long time. Please don’t try to turn it into another WoW clone. We have too many of those to choose from already.


    Posts: 96

    “Carebear” games, huh?

    How comes you hardy dudes are the first to shout “I am selling my account!” and “I quit!” when luck hits you for once?

    And how comes this showoff-hardiness standing on zero foundation comes so reliably with harassment, bullying, threats?

    Ever thought about this?

    Ever thought why people do leave this game after making an aquaintance with the game style and communication style of most of you pkers?

    And finally … has anyone of you. Anyone made a calculation yet how much this “hardiness” of you may have cost so far? Because compared with pvpers’ donations, those pve lovin dudes might have more to offer…


    Lvl 200 USEast2
    Posts: 94

    Stop calling us pk’ers. Many of us never kill or other players. You can call me a “hardy dude” but why would you? What info do you have on me or any of us in this thread to qualify us as such? (Also wtf do you even mean by hardy dude?) As to how come we are the first to sell our accounts or quit, I can’t answer that. I haven’t quit and sold my account yet, still waiting for luck to hit me. Asking that question seemed kind of silly to me though. How would anyone answer why they were the first to quit a game and sell their account on the forum of this game they do not play anymore?

    And your last point is kind of silly since most of the people you are talking to are supporters…


    Lvl 56 SEAsia2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 35

    thank god u said “most” instead of “all”.. because okapi hasnt supported the game at all


    Posts: 4

    Why do you assume I’m a PKer? I have yet to kill anyone in this game, and in my 5 years of playing a “PK” game, I think I killed maybe a dozen people, and they all deserved it. I also don’t remember harassing or bullying anyone. And if I quit the game, it will be because I’m bored of it, not because I ragequit when someone killed me.

    As to “Hardiness”… that is the whole point of this type of game. Having a survival element adds to the game in my opinion. It gives a purpose to all of the grinding, you are doing it so that you can defend yourself and your friends. Here you grind so that you can take down a Tribe of A-holes who did you wrong. In WoW, you grind so that you can get better gear, so that you can grind on bigger things, so that you can get even better gear, so that you can go on grinding some more. After a while it gets stale.

    On my Tibia server, a group of guilds worked together to keep the peace, for the most part. There were always random PKs and thieves that popped up, but they were dealt with fairly quickly.If you have enough decent people on the server, you can police it yourself. If you don’t, then all the decent people leave, and the A-holes are left to PK eachother.

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