Suggestion: Sea Monsters

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    Posts: 23

    the roads have it and the UW have it but the sea and lake do not…what is it? MOBS

    so I propose a couple of mobs that can only travel on water in the same way a raft does.

    here some possible mob ideas:

    1. Moby Dick

    2. Pink Dolphin

    3. Mercow (half mermaid half cow – mouahahhahahaa)


    Posts: 19

    I could dig some sea mobs. Oh, and Cthulhu.


    Posts: 94

    Ooh, sea monsters would be neat. Only spawn in patches of water large enough size though. Or else people will have sea monsters all over their tiny farms… Which would be fun too, I suppose.

    In general more things like this to do in water would be nice. Which I guess I’ll add a separate suggestion for.

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