Towering Gale Entrance

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    Lvl 33 USEast
    Posts: 22

    Hi Devs and Mystera Community,

    Im not sure if you are aware of this issue, but at-least let me inform/remind you that a certain max level tribe leader on USE has been dedicating most his time to barricading Gale-brook, specifically the entrance/main road with towers.

    This makes the game very unappealing to newer players. Every day I hear a dozen of newbies complain about the towers shooting them at the entrance of Gale-brook like its a maintenance issue.

    There is no reason this should be happening. Kazul has gotten so used to killing everyone he sees, that due to the recent updates protecting weaker players, he’s bored. If you’re board just stop playing instead of aiming to ruin peoples time.

    The sad part is that usually, Gale is the first place that most new players go to. These towers are a direct attack towards new players and it’s a shame. As a more experienced player, these towers do not affect me at all and I am 100% sure they haven’t affected any other experienced player other than those who have their markets on main road.

    Those towers make this game look very unappealing for newer players. It needs to be fixed. Im tired of seeing newer players complain, or constant tower death spams.


    Lvl 55 USEast
    Posts: 3

    Wow, that’s the most articulate you’ve ever been. Its pretty hard to make out anything you say between the spamming chat with nonsense and racist slurs. But go off.


    Lvl 153 USEast
    Posts: 2

    Well the towers are in only one spot and there is many entrances to Gale I’m not sure how 3 squares makes a big deal. Your just salty that nobody likes you and you just cry and get banned from global chat all day everyday for using racial profanities. Maybe you should spend more time playing the game then trolling people of African decent.


    Lvl 33 USEast
    Posts: 22

    The towers are nearly 10 blocks down main road. Maybe more because I haven’t counted as I CANNOT go down main road anymore. Newbies don’t know better. And seeing it clearly makes the game less appealing to them.

    Funny for you to say EnSee. I have a specific preference in men but at-least i’m not a minsogynst or have a tribe full of them.


    Lvl 119 USEast
    Posts: 3

    Its actually not too difficult to go around the towers. Yes, it is a problem for newer players but it is a trivial matter to GO AROUND them. Honestly, its almost free armor training. The only things that those towers are hurting is Tuyen’s shop, and… like nothing else.

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