The Guild

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    Posts: 119

    The Guild is a loose tribe. You are not supposed to participate in the projects of other members, and we often collaborate with outsiders. You can leave as you see fit and be able to rejoin. Veteran members will not babysit the novices; recruits are expected to find their way into the world and get to know people they can trust.

    (1) Be bold If you want to start some project you may talk about it, since other players could have more information about game mechanics. After that, though — go ahead and do it. If it is a good idea fellow members and outsiders will help you. Some examples of projects are:

    – Roads
    – Shared alternative accounts to train a certain skill
    – Tribe structures that use the tribe mechanics in witty ways
    – Setting up an item shipping business
    – Setting up a community chicken farm
    – Setting up a dungeon business
    – Anything that would make the Central Crossroads populated and busy

    (2) Don’t lie Members are expected not to lie. For example, if you break in a home and someone asks you if you know anything about it, and you don’t want them to know, the stock answer is “I choose not to deny nor to confirm anything about this issue”. This means that sometimes you will give that answer even if you have nothing to hide.

    (3) Conflict protocol The Guild’s members are not to be held accountable for other members’ actions. If you are in a conflict with a member of the Guild the leadership will inquire about that; until that, expect neutrality on our part. We expect you not to bring your hostility upon other members. Similarly, members should not presume to be avenged and helped in their conflicts.


    Posts: 8

    at last! a neutral, chill tribe we’ve all been waiting for 🙂

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