Suggestion For Eastern Lands

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  • #4823

    Posts: 3

    This is probably already being worked on but I might as well share my thoughts. I am looking forward to seeing what happens to the eastern portion of the map. I thought what would be fun is a Summer patch with a beach/ocean land and a water temple in the far east. Eastern Shores, you could release a set of swim attire as well in the costumes. Bring in some powerful mobs like a Kraken, and use some of the mobs you already made like the octopus.


    Lvl 106 USEast
    Posts: 120

    A beach would be interesting.

    – Sea turtles with lots of armor
    – Crabs, also lots of armor. They pinch through armor
    – A kraken Boss mob in water who spins his tentacles dealing AoE damage, and tentacles rise up from the water and attack players
    – Sharks who mainly stay hidden but appear only when to attack

    So many possibilities!


    Posts: 10

    Would finally give some use to the raft. Could also come up with a pirate boss inside a pirate ship. Finally a boss using the pirate skin. Could also introduce new weapons and armor and possibly new pets (parrots-fed with worms and seeds)

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